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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Sangjun Lee
◾ 1996. 03 ~ 2000. 02 : Seoul National University, Agricultural Economics (B.S.)
◾ 2000. 03 ~ 2005. 02 : Seoul National University, Agricultural Economics (M.S.)
◾ 2006. 09 ~ 2014. 12 : Michigan State University, Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics (Ph.D.)
◾ 2013.09 ~ 2022. 12 : Research Fellow, Korea Energy Economics Institute
Research Areas
◾ Climate and Energy Policy, Real Options
◾ Climate Change Economics, Applied Econometrics
Selected Publications
◾ Adaptation to climate change: Extreme events versus gradual changes (with Jinhua Zhao), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 133, 2021.
◾ Real Options Study on Nuclear Phase Down Policy under Knightian Uncertainty (with Hojeong Park), Environmental and Resource Economics Review 28(2): 177-200, 2019.
◾ Post-2020 Greenhouse Reduction Target of Korea: Evaluation and Its Implications, Asian Research Policy 7(2): 33-46, 2016.
◾ Estimating Missing Data of Industrial Energy Consumption Using a Multiple Imputation Method (with Oh-Sang Kwon and Yun-Sun Park), Korean Energy Economic Review 15(2): 121-146, 2016.
◾ An Analysis on the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Micro-Rebound Effects of Fuel economy Improvement, Energy Focus Spring 2016: 84-96, 2016.
◾ A Conceptual Framework for Multi-regional Climate Change Assessments for International Market Systems with Long-term Investments (with Julie Winkler et al.), Climatic Change, 103: 445-470, 2010.
Journal Papers
◾ Adaptation to climate change: Extreme events versus gradual changes, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol.133, 2021이상준(주임교수)
◾ Real Options Study on Nuclear Phase Down Policy under Knightian Uncertainty, 자원환경경제연구, vol.28 No.2 pp.177~200, 2019이상준(주임교수)
Conference Papers
◾ 이상준, Review on EU CBAM’s Impacts and Implications, 2023 KOES Autumn Conference Proceedings, BEXCO 제1전시장 , 2023이상준(주임교수)
◾ Sangjun Lee, Burgeoning Climate-related International Regulations in the Era of Carbon Neutrality, Sustainable Energy System and Sustainable Development under the Global Complex Economic Crisis, 제주 오리엔탈호텔, 2023이상준(주임교수)
◾ A Study on Policies Supporting Decarbonization in Hard-to-Abate Industries (with Sunghee Shim), Korea Energy Economics Institute, 2021.
◾ Resource System Innovation Strategy for Sustainable Development(with Jeonghee Cho et al.), National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021.
◾ 손인성, 이수민, A Study on the Recent Climate Change Related Trade Regulations Response, 저서, 978-89-5504-908-4, Korea Energy Economics Institute, 2023이상준(주임교수)
◾ 심성희, 이상준 , 온실가스 難감축산업의 탈탄소 이행 지원제도 구축 방안 연구, 저서, 978-89-5504-819-3, 에너지경제연구원 , 2021이상준(주임교수)
◾ 이상준, 지속가능한 사회를 위한 자원 시스템 혁신 전략, 저서, 979-11-5567-486-4, 경제·인문사회연구회, 2021이상준(주임교수)
◾ 이상준, 농어촌지역 재생에너지 보급사업의 갈등요인 분석과 해결방안 연구, 저서, 978-89-5504-785-1, 에너지경제연구원, 2020이상준(주임교수)
◾ 이상준, 에너지 전환 추진에 있어 정부의 역할과 한계: 전환이론 관점을 중심으로, 저서, 978-89-5504-731-8, 에너지경제연구원, 2019이상준(주임교수)
◾ Korean Resource Economics Association, Korean Environmental Economics Association
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