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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Sung Yoon Huh
Technology Policy, Energy and Environmental Economics
◾ 2003. 03 ~ 2007. 02 : Seoul National University, Chemical & Biological Engineering (B.S.)
◾ 2007. 03 ~ 2009. 02 : Seoul National University, Chemical & Biological Engineering (M.S.)
◾ 2009. 03 ~ 2014. 08 : Seoul National University, Technology Management Economics & Policy Program (Ph.D.)
◾ 2014. 09 ~ 2015. 08 : Seoul National University (postdoc researcher)
◾ 2015. 09 ~ 2017. 08 : UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business (postdoc scholar)
◾ 2017. 08 ~ Present : Seoul National University of Science & Technology, Department of Energy Policy (Assistant professor)
Research Areas
◾ Public acceptance of energy policy
◾ Energy demand forecasting (Innovation diffusion)
◾ Marketing of energy technology and innovation
Selected Publications
◾ Moo, H., Yoo, S.H., Huh, S.Y.*, 2021. Monetary valuation of air quality improvement with the stated preference technique: A multi-pollutant perspective. Science of the Total Environment, 793, 148604.
◾ Huh, S.Y., Shin, J.*, Ryu, J., 2020. Expand, relocate, or underground? Social acceptance of upgrading wastewater treatment plants. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(36), 45618–45628.
◾ Lee, H.J., Yoo, S.H., Huh, S.Y.*, 2020. Public perspectives on reducing the environmental impact of onshore wind farms: A discrete choice experiment in South Korea. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(20), 25582–25599.
◾ Tanujaya, R.R., Lee, C.Y., Woo, J., Huh, S.Y. *, Lee, M.K. *, 2020. Quantifying public preferences for community-based renewable energy projects in South Korea. Energies, 13, 2384.
◾ Lee, H.J., Yoo, S.H., Huh, S.Y.*, 2020. Economic benefits of introducing LNG-fuelled ships for imported flour in South Korea. Transportation Research Part D, 78, 102220.
◾ Woo, J., Chung, S., Lee, C.Y.*, Huh, S.Y.*, 2019. Willingness to participate in community-based renewable energy projects: A contingent valuation study in South Korea. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 112, 643–652.
◾ Lee, H.J., Huh, S.Y., Yoo, S.H.*, 2019. Valuing the attributes of remediation of maritime oil spills: An empirical case study in South Korea. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 91, 261–265.
◾ Lim, S., Huh, S.Y., Shin, J., Lee, J., Lee, Y.G.*, 2019. Enhancing public acceptance of renewable heat obligation policies in South Korea: Consumer preferences and policy implications. Energy Economics, 81, 1167–1177.
◾ Huh, S.Y., Jo, M., Shin, J., Yoo, S.H.*, 2019. Impact of rebate program for energy-efficient household appliances on consumer purchasing decisions: The case of electric rice cookers in South Korea. Energy Policy, 129, 1394–1403.
◾ Kim, J., Lee, H.J., Huh, S.Y., Yoo, S.H.*, 2019. Households’ willingness to pay for developing marine bio-hydrogen technology: The case of South Korea. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44, 12907–12917.
◾ Huh, S.Y., Woo, J., Lee, C.Y.*, 2019. What do potential residents really want when hosting a nuclear power plant? An empirical study of economic incentives in South Korea. Energies, 12, 1199.
◾ Woo, J., Lim, S., Lee, Y.G., Huh, S.Y.*, 2018. Financial feasibility and social acceptance for reducing nuclear power plants: A contingent valuation study. Sustainability, 10(11), 3833.
◾ Lee, H.J., Huh, S.Y., Yoo, S.H.*, 2018. Social preferences for small-scale solar photovoltaic power plants in South Korea: A choice experiment study. Sustainability, 10(10), 3589.
◾ Huh, S.Y., Shin, J.*, 2018. Economic valuation of noise pollution control policy: Does the type of noise matter? Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25, 30647–
◾ Choi, G., Huh, S.Y., Heo, E., Lee, C.Y.*, 2018. Prices versus quantities: Comparing economic efficiency of feed-in tariff and renewable portfolio standard in promoting renewable electricity generation. Energy Policy, 113, 239–248.
◾ Huh, S.Y., Lee, H., Shin, J.*, Lee, D., Jang, J., 2018. Inter-fuel substitution path analysis of the Korea cement industry. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82, 4091–4099.
◾ Lim, S., Woo, J., Lee, J., Huh, S.Y.*, 2018. Consumer valuation of personal information in the age of big data. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(1), 60–71.
◾ Huh. S.-Y., Lee, C.-Y.*, 2017. A demand-side perspective on developing a future electricity generation mix: Identifying heterogeneity in social preferences. Energies, 10, 1127. (SCIE, IF: 2.262)
◾ Lee, C.-Y., Huh. S.-Y.*, 2017. Forecasting the diffusion of renewable electricity considering the impact of policy and oil prices: The case of South Korea. Applied Energy, 197, 29–39. (SCI, IF: 5.746)
◾ Lee, C.-Y., Huh. S.-Y.*, 2017. Technology forecasting using a diffusion model incorporating replacement purchases. Sustainability, 9(6), 1038. (SSCI, IF: 1.343)
◾ Lee, C.-Y., Huh. S.-Y.*, 2017. Forecasting new and renewable energy supply through a bottom-up approach: The case of South Korea. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 69, 207–217. (SCI, IF: 6.798)
◾ Lee, C.-Y., Huh. S.-Y.*, 2017. Forecasting long-term crude oil prices using a Bayesian model with informative priors. Sustainability, 9(2), 190. (SSCI, IF: 1.343)
◾ Huh. S.-Y., Woo, J., Lim, S., Lee, Y.-G.*, Kim, C.S., 2015. What do customers want from improved residential electricity services? Evidence from a choice experiment. Energy Policy, 85, 410−420. (SSCI, IF: 3.045)
◾ Huh. S.-Y., Lee, J., Shin, J.*, 2015. The economic value of South Korea’s renewable energy policies (RPS, RFS, and RHO): A contingent valuation study. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 50, 64–72. (SCI, IF: 6.798)
◾ Cho, Y., Koo, Y., Huh. S.-Y., Lee, M.*, 2015. Evaluation of a consumer incentive program for an energy-efficient product in South Korea. Energy Efficiency, 8(4), 745–757. (SSCI, IF: 1.183)
◾ Huh. S.-Y., Kwak, D., Lee, J., Shin, J.*, 2014. Quantifying drivers’ acceptance of renewable fuel standard: Results from a choice experiment in South Korea. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 32, 320–333. (SSCI, IF: 1.864)
◾ Huh. S.-Y., Lee, C.-Y.*, 2014. Diffusion of renewable energy technologies in South Korea on incorporating their competitive interrelationships. Energy Policy, 69, 248–257. (SSCI, IF: 3.045)
◾ Kim, J.-H., Huh. S.-Y., Seo, S.*, 2014. Improvement in efficiency of polymer bulk-heterojunction solar cells using modified PEDOT:PSS buffer layers with alcohol derivatives. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 53(4), 04ER03. (SCI, IF: 1.122)
◾ Shin, J., Woo, J., Huh. S.-Y., Lee, J., Jeong, G.*, 2014. Analyzing public preferences and increasing acceptability for the renewable portfolio standard in Korea. Energy Economics, 42, 17–26. (SSCI, IF: 2.862)
◾ Choi, S.-J.*, Huh. S.-Y., 2010. Direct structuring of a biomimetic anti-reflective, self-cleaning surface for light harvesting in organic solar cells. Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 31(6), 539–544. (SCI, IF: 4.638)
◾ Kim, K.-H., Huh. S.-Y., Seo, S.-M., Lee, H.H.*, 2008. Inverted top-emitting organic light-emitting diodes by whole device transfer. Organic Electronics, 9(6), 1118–1121. (SCI, IF: 3.471)
◾ Kim, J.-H., Huh. S.-Y., Kim, T.-I., Lee, H.H.*, 2008. Thin pentacene interlayer for polymer bulk-heterojunction solar cell. Applied Physics Letters, 93(14), 143305. (SCI, IF: 3.142)
◾ Kim, K.-H., Huh. S.-Y., Seo, S.-M., Lee, H.H.*, 2008. Solution-based formation of multilayers of small molecules for organic light emitting diodes. Applied Physics Letters, 92(9), 093307. (SCI, IF: 3.142)
Journal Papers
◾ 에너지 부문 탄소 저감 수단 평가요소의 상대적 중요도 분석: 전문가 관점을 중심으로, Innovation studies, vol.19 No.4 pp.31~51, 2024허성윤
◾ Techno-economic assessment of industrial food waste composting facility: Evaluating bulking agents, processing strategies, and market dynamics, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, vol.408 pp.131210~131210, 2024허성윤
◾ Future Directions for the Development of the Nuclear Power Sector in South Korea: An Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Approach, Journal of Energy Engineering, vol.33 No.1 pp.90~107, 2024허성윤
◾ Assessing the relative importance of strategies for enhancing transportation bio-diesel production and distribution in South Korea, Journal of Climate Change Research, vol.14 No.5 pp.599~609, 2023허성윤
◾ Determinants of Renewable Energy Demand in South Korea : A Comprehensive Review and Growth Model Application, Joural of Energy Engineering, vol.32 No.3 pp.99~116, 2023허성윤
◾ Consumer Preferences for Smart Energy Services Based on AMI Data in the Power Sector, ENERGIES, vol.16 No.9, 2023허성윤
◾ Identifying and prioritizing factors to promote the activation of the Internet of Energy in South Korea, Innovation studies, vol.18 No.2 pp.247~275, 2023허성윤
◾ External benefits of a road transportation system with vehicle-to-everything communications, TRANSPORT POLICY, vol.134 pp.128~138, 2023허성윤
◾ 국내 석유제품 소비자가격 경쟁저해 요인의 상대적 중요도 분석, Korean Energy Economic Review, vol.22 No.1 pp.375~401, 2023허성윤
◾ 에너지데이터 활용 서비스의 소비자 수용성 제고 요인 : 요인의 체계화 및 상대적 중요도 분석, Journal of Energy Engineering, vol.32 No.1 pp.1~14, 2023허성윤
◾ Reducing Environmental Impact of Coal-Fired Power Plants by Building an Indoor Coal Storage: An Economic Analysis, ENERGIES, vol.16 No.1, 2023허성윤
◾ 국내 에너지 데이터 활용 활성화를 위한 개선요인 분석: 계층분석법을 중심으로, Innovation Studies, vol.17 No.3 pp.39~66, 2022허성윤
◾ Measuring the economic value of green roofing in South Korea: A contingent valuation approach, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, vol.261, 2022허성윤
◾ 국내 태양광 및 풍력발전 보급 양상 분석 및 전망: 혁신확산 모형을 중심으로, Journal of Energy Engineering, vol.31 No.1 pp.16~29, 2022허성윤
◾ Consumer preferences for personal 3D printing technology: The case in South Korea, Innovation Studies, vol.17 No.1 pp.207~231, 2022허성윤
◾ Monetary valuation of air quality improvement with the stated preference technique: A multi-pollutant perspective, Science of the Total Environment, vol.793 pp.148604~, 2021허성윤
◾ 선택실험법을 통한 웨어러블 기기에 대한 소비자 선호 및 지불의사액 분석, Innovation Studies, vol.16 No.3 pp.391~419, 2021허성윤
◾ Estimating the Demand Function for Industrial Natural Gas Use in Korea : A Cross-sectional Analysis, 한국가스학회지, vol.24 No.6 pp.34~46, 2020허성윤
◾ 국내 민간 LNG 직도입사들의 천연가스 도입 결정요인 분석, 한국혁신학회지, vol.15 No.3 pp.59~85, 2020허성윤
◾ Expand, relocate, or underground? Social acceptance of upgrading wastewater treatment plants, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, 2020허성윤
◾ Public perspectives on reducing the environmental impact of onshore wind farms: a discrete choice experiment in South Korea, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, vol.27 No.20 pp.25582~25599, 2020허성윤
◾ Quantifying Public Preferences for Community-Based Renewable Energy Projects in South Korea, Energies, vol.13 No.9, 2020허성윤
◾ 신재생에너지 발전 사업에 대한 국민 및 지역 주민 수용성 비교 연구 - 태양광, 풍력, 바이오 발전을 중심으로, 한국혁신학회지, vol.15 No.1 pp.29~62, 2020허성윤
◾ Economic benefits of introducing LNG-fuelled ships for imported flour in South Korea, Transportation Research Part D, vol.78, 2020허성윤
◾ Willingness to participate in community-based renewable energy projects: A contingent valuation study in South Korea, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, vol.112 pp.643~652, 2019허성윤
◾ Valuing the Attributes of Remediation of Maritime Oil Spills: An Empirical Case Study in South Korea, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, No.Special 91 pp.261~265, 2019허성윤
◾ Enhancing public acceptance of renewable heat obligation policies in South Korea: Consumer preferences and policy implications, ENERGY ECONOMICS, vol.81 pp.1167~1177, 2019허성윤
◾ Impact of rebate program for energy-efficient household appliances on consumer purchasing decisions: The case of electric rice cookers in South Korea, Energy Policy, vol.129 pp.1394~1403, 2019허성윤
◾ Households' willingness to pay for developing marine bio-hydrogen technology: The case of South Korea, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, vol.44 No.26 pp.12907~12917, 2019허성윤
◾ What Do Potential Residents Really Want When Hosting a Nuclear Power Plant? An Empirical Study of Economic Incentives in South Korea, Energies, vol.12 No.7 pp.1199~1199, 2019허성윤
◾ Financial Feasibility and Social Acceptance for Reducing Nuclear Power Plants: A Contingent Valuation Study, Sustainability, vol.10 No.11, 2018허성윤
◾ Social Preferences for Small-Scale Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants in South Korea: A Choice Experiment Study, Sustainability, vol.10 No.10, 2018허성윤
◾ Economic valuation of noise pollution control policy: does the type of noise matter?, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol.25 No.30 pp.30647~30658, 2018허성윤
◾ Prices versus quantities: Comparing economic efficiency of feed-in tariff and renewable portfolio standard in promoting renewable electricity generation, Energy Policy, vol.113 pp.239~248, 2018허성윤
◾ Inter-fuel substitution path analysis of the korea cement industry, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol.82 pp.4091~4099, 2018허성윤
◾ Consumer Valuation of Personal Information in the Age of Big Data, JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol.69 No.1 pp.60~71, 2018허성윤
◾ Social Preferences for a Policy Category - An Empirical Analysis Focusing on Renewable Energy Policy-, INNOVATION STUDIES, vol.12 No.4 pp.213~242, 2017허성윤
◾ Analysis of Cognitive Differences of New and Renewable Energy Policy in Korean Expert Groups of Triple Helix, 한국혁신학회, vol.10 No.1 pp.99~121, 2015허성윤
◾ Evaluation of a consumer incentive program for an energy-efficient product in South Korea, Energy Efficiency, 2015허성윤
◾ The economic value of South Korea’s renewable energy policies (RPS, RFS, and RHO): A contingent valuation study, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015허성윤
◾ What do customers want from improved residential electricity services? Evidence from a choice experiment., Energy Policy, 2015허성윤
◾ Diffusion of renewable energy technologies in South Korea on incorporating their competitive interrelationships, ENERGY POLICY, vol.69 pp.248~257, 2014허성윤
◾ Improvement in efficiency of polymer bulk-heterojunction solar cells using modified PEDOT:PSS buffer layers with alcohol derivatives, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol.53, 2014허성윤
◾ Analyzing public preferences and increasing acceptability for the Renewable Portfolio Standard in Korea, ENERGY ECONOMICS, vol.42 pp.17~26, 2014허성윤
◾ Quantifying drivers' acceptance of renewable fuel standard: Results from a choice experiment in South Korea, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT, vol.32 pp.320~333, 2014허성윤
◾ Direct Structuring of a Biomimetic Anti-Reflective, Self-Cleaning Surface for Light Harvesting in Organic Solar Cells, MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS, vol.31 pp.539~544, 2010허성윤
◾ Inverted top-emitting organic light-emitting diodes by whole device transfer, Organic Electronics: physics, materials, applications, vol.9 No.6 pp.1118~1121, 2008허성윤
◾ Solution-based formation of multilayers of small molecules for organic light emitting diodes, Applied Physics Letters, vol.92 No.9, 2008허성윤
◾ Thin pentacene interlayer for polymer bulk-heterojunction solar cell, Applied Physics Letters, vol.93 No.14, 2008허성윤
Conference Papers
◾ 허성윤, Development of CO2 reduction contribution rate and investment cost analysis methodology, BIXPO 2024: Journey to the Future of Energy, 김대중컨벤션센터, 2024허성윤
◾ 조준휘, 이혜정, 허성윤, Analysis of the relative importance of factors promoting energy Internet activation in Korea, 2023 Korea Society of Innovation Spring Conference (Abstract), 서울과학기술대학교, 2023허성윤
◾ 홍선아, 허성윤, Improvement factors to increase the localization rate of biodiesel production for transportation, 2023 Korea Society of Innovation Spring Conference (Abstract), 서울과학기술대학교, 2023허성윤
◾ 신희철, 허성윤, Evaluating the relative importance of factors considered when installing fuel cells for power generation, 2023 Korea Society of Innovation Spring Conference (Abstract), 서울과학기술대학교, 2023허성윤
◾ 문성삼, 이혜정, 홍선아, 허성윤, An Analysis of the Relative Importance of Factors in Revitalizing the Hydrogen Economy in South Korea, THE KOREAN HYDROGEN & NEW ENERGY SOCIETY FALL 2022 ABSTRACT, 제주 라마다프라자호텔, 2022허성윤
◾ 신희철, 허성윤, Priority evaluation of hydrogen fuel cell technology using AHP, THE KOREAN HYDROGEN & NEW ENERGY SOCIETY FALL 2022 ABSTRACT, 제주 라마다프라자 호텔, 2022허성윤
◾ 정범진, 허성윤, 김동식, A study on the improvement of the business feasibility of smart power platform for households, The 53th KIEE Summer Conference 2022, 여수엑스포컨벤션센터, 2022허성윤
◾ 최선형, 이혜정, 허성윤, 조건부 가치측정법을 이용한 그린 리모델링 시행사업에 대한 편익 추정, 2020년도 한국에너지학회 추계학술발표회, 여수엑스포컨벤션센터, 2020허성윤
◾ 이혜정, 최선형, 허성윤, 차세대 지능형교통시스템 확장에 대한 외부편익 추정, 2020년도 한국에너지학회 추계학술발표회, 여수엑스포컨벤션센터 , 2020허성윤
◾ 이혜정, 이철용, 허성윤, 원별, 지역별 재생에너지 발전소의 사회적 수용성 차이 분석, 2019년 한국환경정책학회 추계학술대회: 환경과 경제의 조화, 한국환경산업기술원, 2019허성윤
◾ 허성윤, 에너지효율정책의 온실가스 감축효과, 2019년 한국환경정책학회 추계학술대회: 환경과 경제의 조화, 한국환경산업기술원, 2019허성윤
◾ 이혜정, 허성윤, 이철용, 주민참여형 신재생 발전사업에 대한 국민 수용성 평가, 2019년도 한국에너지학회 춘계학술발표회, 제주글로벌연구센터(JGRC), 2019허성윤
◾ 허성윤, 고효율 가전제품에 대한 소비자 선호 및 구매의사 분석, 2019년도 한국에너지학회 춘계학술발표회, 제주글로벌연구센터(JGRC)􀀇 혼디모앙동, 2019허성윤
◾ 허성윤, 국내 신재생에너지 성장의 결정요인 규명: 태양광 및 풍력 발전을 중심으로, 2018년도 한국에너지학회 추계학술발표회, 여수엑스포컨벤션센터, 2018허성윤
◾ 허성윤, 김가은, 국내 원자력 발전 감소에 대한 사회적 수용성 분석, 2018년도 한국에너지학회 춘계학술발표회, 메종글래드제주, 2018허성윤
◾ 허성윤, 4차 산업혁명과 에너지 산업: 개관 및 연구 아젠다, 2017 한국혁신학회-BISTEP-부경대 공동학술대회: 4차 산업혁명과 미래혁신, 부산 BISTEP 대회의실, 2017허성윤
◾ 허성윤, 이철용, 박소연, Electricity Mix Considering Public Preferences and Acceptance, 2017년도 한국에너지학회 추계학술발표회, 대전 유성호텔, 2017허성윤
◾ 김태유,이대식 엮음, 한국의 선택 : 한미동맹의 새로운 동반자, 러시아, 저서, 9788952130006, 서울대학교출판문화원, 2021허성윤
◾ 글로벌 석유시장 환경변화 대응을 위한 석유산업 미래 전략, 산업통상자원부, 2019.12.~2020.07.허성윤
◾ 강원도 수열에너지 융복합 클러스터 조성사업 공공기관 사업 예비타당성조사 수요 및 편익 추정, 한국개발연구원, 2019.07.~2020.05.허성윤
◾ 열병합발전 국가-사회적 편익 반영을 위한 정책 및 장단기 제도 개선 방안 연구, 한국지역난방공사, 2019.06.~2020.10.허성윤
◾ 발전5사 고장정지율 목표 합리적 조정 용역, 한국중부발전(주), 2019.05.~2019.12.허성윤
◾ 경제학적 기법을 활용한 주택용전력의 경제적 가치 연구, 한국전력거래소, 2019.04.~2019.12.허성윤
◾ 스마트 웨어러블 기기에 대한 소비자 선호 분석, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.허성윤
◾ 에너지인력양성사업, 한국에너지기술평가원, 2019.03.~2021.12.허성윤
◾ 수자원시설 관리체계 개선을 위한 기존 댐 최적관리방안 연구 용역, 환경부, 2019.02.~2019.12.허성윤
◾ 생태계기반 해양공간분석 및 활용기술 개발, 한국해양수산개발원, 2019.01.~2021.12.허성윤
◾ 여수시 하수처리수 재이용 민간투자사업 제안서검토 수요, 편익추정 및 경제성분석, 한국개발연구원, 2018.12.~2020.03.허성윤
◾ 『삼천포화력 저탄장 옥내화 사업』공공기관 사업 예비타당성조사 수요 및 편익 추정, 한국개발연구원, 2018.10.~2019.04.허성윤
◾ 신정부 에너지전환 정책 대응 신재생에너지 사업여건 분석 및 대응방안 수립, 한국지역난방공사, 2018.08.~2019.04.허성윤
◾ 신기후체제 대응과 신재생에너지 확대보급에 따른 열병합발전의 역할강화 및 제도개선(안) 도출, 한국지역난방공사, 2018.07.~2019.09.허성윤
◾ 경제학적 기법을 활용한 상업용 전력의 경제적 가치 연구, 한국전력거래소, 2018.07.~2019.03.허성윤
◾ 태안 5~8호기 저탄장 옥내화 공공기관 사업 예비타당성조사 수요 및 편익 추정, 한국개발연구원, 2018.05.~2019.01.허성윤
◾ 신재생에너지 기술 확산에 대한 이론 및 실증연구: 모형 간 비교와 학문간 융합을 중심으로, 한국연구재단, 2018.03.~2021.02.허성윤
◾ 원자력 발전에 대한 사회적 가치 평가: 국민 수용성 및 지불의사액을 중심으로, 산학협력단, 2017.11.~2018.10.허성윤
◾ 에너지산업 기술금융 고급트랙, 한국에너지기술평가원, 2017.07.01.~2020.12.허성윤
◾ Republic of Korea Environment Energy Awards, Young Researcher Award, The Korean Society for Energy, 2024허성윤
◾ Korea Society of Innovation, Meritorious Service Award, Korea Society of Innovation, 2023허성윤
◾ 고효율 가전제품에 대한 소비자 선호 및 구매의사 분석, 최우수논문상, 한국에너지학회, 2019허성윤
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