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Department of Energy and Chemical Engineering
Sewan Choi
Power Electronics
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1995
M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1992
B.S. in Electronic Engineering, Inha University, 1985
Professor, Seoul Tech, 1997 - Present
Principal Researcher, Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., 1996 – 1997
Research Assistant, Texas A&M University, 1991-1995
Research Engineer, Daewoo Heavy Industries Co., 1985 - 1990
Research Areas
Power conversion technologies for renewable energy and energy storage systems
DC-DC converters and battery chargers for electric vehicles
Power electronics (1)
Power electronics (2)
Electric vehicle engineering
High power converter
Inverter control & application
Journal Papers
A. International Journal Papers (SCI)
J. Park, S. Choi, "Design and Control of a Bidirectional Resonant DC-DC Converter for Automotive Engine/Battery Hybrid Power Generators", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 29, No. 7, July 2014.
M. Kwon, S. Oh, S. Choi, "High Gain Soft-switching Bidirectional DC-DC Converters for Eco-friendly Vehicles", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 29, No. 4, Apr. 2014.
C. Park, S. Choi, "Quasi-Resonant Boost-Half-Bridge Converter with Reduced Turn-Off Switching Losses for 16V Fuel Cell Application", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 28, No. 11, pp4892-4896, Nov. 2013.
S. Lee, P. Kim, S. Choi, "High Step-up Soft-switched Converters Using Voltage Multiplier Cells", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 28, No. 7, pp3379-3387, July. 2013.
S. Yoon, H. Oh, S. Choi, "Controller Design and Implementation of Indirect Current Control Based Utility-Interactive Inverter System", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp26-30, Jan. 2013.
Y. Park, B. Jung, S. Choi, "Nonisolated ZVZCS Resonant PWM DC–DC Converter for High Step-Up and High-Power Applications", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 7, No. 8, pp. 3568-3575, Aug. 2012.
J. Kwon, S. Yoon, S. Choi, "Indirect Current Control for Seamless Transfer of Three-Phase Utility Interactive Inverters", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 773-781, Feb. 2012.
S.H. Kim, W. J. Choi, K. B. Lee, S. W. Choi, "Advanced Dynamic Simulation of Supercapacitors Considering Parameter Variation and Self-Discharge", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 26, No. 11, pp3377-3385, Nov. 2011.
S. Park, Y. Park, S. Choi, W. Choi, K. Lee, "Soft-switched Interleaved Boost Converters for High Step-up and High Power Applications", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 2906-2914, Oct 2011.
S. Lee, J. Park, S. Choi, "A Three-Phase Current-Fed Push-Pull DC-DC Converter with Active Clamp for Fuel Cell Applications", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 26, no. 8, pp. 2266-2277, Aug 2011.
C. Yoon, J. Kim, S. Choi, "Multi-Phase DC-DC Converters using a Boost-Half-Bridge Cell for High Voltage and High Power Applications", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 381-388, Feb 2011.
S. Choi, V.G. Agelidis, J. Yang, D. Coutellier, P. Marabeas, "Analysis, Design and Experimental Results of a Floating-Output Interleaved-Input Boost-Derived DC-DC High-Gain Transformer-less Converter", IET Power Electronics, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 169-180, Jan 2011.
H. Kim, C. Yoon, S. Choi, "An Improved Current-fed ZVS Isolated Boost Converter for Fuel Cell Applications", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 2357-2364, Sep 2010.
H. Jeong, K. Lee, S. Choi, W. Choi, "Performance Improvement of LCL-Filter-Based Grid-Connected Inverters Using PQR Power Transformation", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 1320-1330, May 2010.
S. Park, S. Choi, "Soft-Switched CCM Boost Converters With High Voltage Gain for High-Power Applications", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 1211-1217, May 2010.
H. Kim, C. Yoon, S. Choi, "A Three-Phase Zero-Voltage and Zero-Current Switching DC-DC Converter for Fuel Cell Applications", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 391-398, Feb 2010.
S. Kim, W. Choi, S. Choi, K. Lee, "Combined Dithered Sigma-Delta Modulation based Random PWM Switching Scheme", Journal of Power Electronics, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 667-678, Oct 2009.
S. Choi, Y. Bae, "A New Unity Power Factor Rectifier System using an Active Waveshaping Technique", Journal of Power Electronics, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 173-179, March 2009.
H. Kim, T. Yu, S. Choi, "Indirect Current Control Algorithm for Utility Interactive Inverters in Distributed Generation Systems", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 1342-1347, May 2008.
S. Jung, Y. Bae, S. Choi, H. Kim, "A Low Cost Utility Interactive Inverter for Residential Fuel Cell Generation", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 2293-2298, Nov. 2007.
S. Choi, M. Jang, "Analysis and Control of a Single-Phase-Inverter-Zigzag- Transformer Hybrid Neutral Current Suppressor in Three-Phase Four-Wire Systems", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 2201-2208, Aug. 2007.
J. W. Sung, C. W. Lee, G. S. Kim, T.A. Lipo, C. Y. Won, S. Choi, "Sensorless control for linear compressors", International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. 24 no. 3-4, pp. 273-286, Dec. 2006.
J. Lee, J. Jo, S. Choi, S. Han, "A 10KW SOFC Low-Voltage Battery Hybrid Power Conditioning System for Residential Use", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 21 no. 2, pp. 575-585, June 2006.
D. Choi, B. Lee, S. Choi, C. Won, D. Yoo, "A Novel Power Conversion Circuit for Cost Effective Battery-Fuel Cell Hybrid System", Journal of Power Sources, vol. 152, pp. 245-255, Dec. 2005.
S. Choi, "A Three-Phase Unity Power Factor Diode Rectifier with Active Input Current Shaping", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 52, no. 6, pp. 1711-1714, Dec. 2005.
S. Choi, C. Won, G. Kim, "A New Three-Phase Harmonic-Free Rectification Scheme Based on Zero-Sequence Current Injection", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 627-633, March/April 2005.
S. Choi, M. Jang, "A Reduced-Rating Hybrid Filter to Suppress Neutral Current Harmonics in Three-Phase Four-Wire Systems", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 927-930, Aug. 2004.
S. Choi, C. Won, Y. Kim, C. Kim, " New high-pulse conversion techniques for HVDC transmission systems", IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol. 150, Issue 3, pp. 283-290, May 2003.
S. Choi, "New Pulse Multiplication Technique Based on Six-Pulse Thyristor Converters for High Power Applications", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 131-136, Jan./Feb. 2002.
S. Choi, B. Lee, P. Enjeti, "New 24-Pulse Diode Rectifier Systems for Utility Interface of High Power AC Motor Drives", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 531-541, March/April 1997.
S. Choi, P. Enjeti, H. Lee, I. Pitel, "A New Active Interphase Reactor for 12-Pulse Rectifiers Provides Clean Power Utility Interface", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 1304-1311, Nov./Dec. 1996.
S. Choi, P. Enjeti, I. Pitel, "New Polyphase Transformer Arrangements with Reduced kVA Capacities for Harmonic Current Reduction in Rectifier Type Utility Interface", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 680-690, Sep. 1996.

B. Korean Journal Papers
J. Park, S. Choi, "Development of 12V, 1000A Isolated Bidirectional Resonant DC-DC Converter", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 19, no. 1, pp.57-63, Feb. 2014.
M. Kwon, K. Han, J. Park, S. Choi, "A Bidirectional Three-phase Push-pull Zero-Voltage Switching DC-DC Converter", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 18, no. 4, pp.403-411, Aug. 2013.
S. Jung, S. Choi, "Optimized LCL filter Design Method of Utility Interactive Inverter", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 18, no. 1, pp.103-109, Feb. 2013.
S. Oh, J. Park, M. Kwon, S. Choi, "High Gain Soft Switching Bi-directional Converter for Eco-friendly Vehicle HDC", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 17, no. 4, pp.281-376, Aug. 2012.
H. Oh, S. Choi, T. Kim, G. Lee, T. Lee, "Anti-islanding Method by Harmonic Injection of Utility Interactive Inverter with Critical Load", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 17, no. 1, pp.1-7, Feb. 2012.
H. Kim, J. Park, Y. Kim, S. Choi, T. Kim, G. Lee, T. Lee, "Optimized Topology and LCL Filter Design of Utility-interactive PCS for MCFC Generation", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 16, no. 4, pp.405-414, Aug. 2011.
J. Kim, C. Park, S. Choi, G. Park, "Three-Phase ZVS DC-DC Converter with Low Transformer Turn Ratio for High Step-up and High Power Applications", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 16, no. 3, pp.242-249, June. 2011.
J. Park, S. Lee, S. Choi, "Design of a High Power Three-phase ZVS Push-pull Converter", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 16, no. 3, pp.209-308, June. 2011.
Y. Park, S. Choi, W. Choi, K. Lee, "High Step-up Interleaved CCM-ZVZCS Converters", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 16, no. 2, pp.114-121, April. 2011.
S. Lee, H. Jung, K. Lee, S. Choi, W. Choi, "Three-Parallel System Operation and Grid-Connection Technique for High-Power Wind Turbines using a PMSG", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 15, no. 4, pp.296-308, Aug. 2010.
S. Park, S. Choi, W. Choi, K. Lee, "A Non-isolated DC-DC Converter with High Step-up Ratio and Wide ZVS Range", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 14, no. 4, pp.315-322, Aug. 2009.
S. Kim, K. Lee, S. Choi, W. Choi, "Development of the Improved Dynamic Model of the Supercapacitor Considering Self-Discharge", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 14, no. 3, pp.188-196, June. 2009.
J. Kim, S. Choi, R. Park, S. Chang, "A New Asymmetrical PWM Bidirectional Half Bridge Converter for Wide Input Voltage Range Applications", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 14, no. 3, pp.235-242, June. 2009.
J. Yang, C. Park, S. Choi, S. Nam, "A Transformer-less Boost Converter with High Gain and Low Current Ripple for Fuel Cell Application", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 13, no. 2, pp.79-87, April. 2008.
S. Jung, Y. Bae, T. Yu, S. Choi, "Single-Phase Utility-Interactive Inverter for Residential Fuel Cell Generation System", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 12, no. 1, pp.81-88, Feb. 2007.
C. Jeraputra, I. Hwang, S. Choi, "An Improved Anti-Islanding Algorithm for Utility Interconnection of Multiple Distributed Fuel Cell Powered Generations", Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 192~199, Jun. 2006.
T. Yu, Y. Bae, S. Choi, H. Kim, "Indirect Current Control of Utility Interactive Inverter for Seamless Transfer", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 11, no. 1, pp.72-78, Feb. 2006.
J. Jo, S. Jung, J. Lee, S. Choi, S. Han, "A Control Method of Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Fuel Utilization and Durability Improvement in Fuel Cell Vehicles", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 10, no. 5, pp.428-435, Oct. 2005.
K. Kim, T. Kim, Y. Bae, S. Choi, "New 60-Step Inverter System for Medium-to-Large Scale STATCOM", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 10, no. 5, pp.450-456, Oct. 2005.
Y. Kim, D. Kim, L. Kim, C. Won G. Kim, S. Choi, "A Study on Synchronous Rectification of Push-Pull Converter for Efficiency Improvement", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 9, no. 2, pp.134-141, April 2004.
T. Kim, Y. Bae, S. Choi, W. Lee, "Development of a Large Scale STATCOM using Double-Connected Multistep Inverter", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 9, no. 1, pp.36-41, Feb. 2004.
J. Lee, J. Jo, M. Jang, S. Choi, S. Han, "Development of a 10KW Stand-alone Power Processing Unit for SOFC", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 8, no. 6, pp.551-560, Dec. 2003.
H. Kim, S. Choi, C. Won, G. Kim, "A New High Power Factor Correction Diode Rectifier System", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 8, no. 6, pp.543-550, Dec. 2003.
G. Kim, J. Kim, C. Won, S. Choi, "Servo Gun-type Inverter Spot Welding System", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 8, no. 5, pp.397-406, Oct. 2003.
S. Choi, M. Jang, "Performance Improvement of an Active Neutral Harmonics Suppressor System Under Unbalanced Load Conditions", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 3, no. 3, pp.151-158, July 2003.
K. Park, L. Kim, C. Won, S. Choi, "A Switching Technique for Common Mode Voltage Reduction of PWM-Inverter Induction Motor Drive System", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 8, no. 1, pp.89-97, Feb. 2003.
T. Kim, S. Choi, K. Park, W. Lee, "A New Inverter Topology for High Voltage and High Power Applications", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, vol. 52B, no. 2, pp.80-86, Feb. 2003.
H. Kim, M. Jang, S. Choi, C. Won, G. Kim, "Harmonic Reduction of Diode Rectifiers by a New Zero-Sequence Current Injection Method", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 7, no. 6, pp.596-603, Dec. 2002.
M. Jang, S. Choi, K. Kim, "A New Low-Cost Active Power Filter to Suppress Neutral Current Harmonics in Three-Phase Four-Wire System", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 7, no. 4, pp.359-365, Aug. 2002.
J. Kim, L. Kim, B. Min, C. Won, G. Kim, S. Choi, "Variable Power Control of Inverter Spot Welding Machine using Evolution Algorithm", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 7, no. 4, pp.384-394, Aug. 2002.
B. Min, L. Kim, J. Kim, C. Won, G. Kim, S. Choi, "Improvement of Dynamic Response Characteristics of Parallel PWM Converters Using Fuzzy Logic Controller", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 7, no. 3, pp.303-312, June 2002.
J. Jung, H. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Kim, C. Won, "A New High Pulse SCR Inverter for Utility Interactive Renewable Power Generation System", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 7, no. 1, pp.41-47, Feb. 2002.
L. Kim, K. Park, C. Won, Y. Kim, S. Choi, "Output Filter Design for Conducted EMI Reduction of PWM Inverter-Fed AC Motor Drive System", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 6, no. 6, pp.546-555, Oct. 2001.
J. Oh, Y. Han, Y. Kim, C. Won, S. Choi, "A Novel Control Method of Combined System consists of Series Active Power Filter and Parallel Passive Power Filter to Compensate Current Harmonics and Unbalanced Source Voltages", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, vol. 50B, no. 12, pp.615-623, Dec. 2001.
J. Oh, Y. Han, Y. Kim, C. Won, S. Choi, "A Study on Series Active Power Filter Compensating Unbalanced Source Voltage in 3phase-3wire system", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 6, no. 5, pp.386-393, Oct. 2001.
W. Woo, Y. Han, Y. Kim, C. Won, S. Choi, "A Novel Series Active Power Filter Using Direct Compensating Voltage Extraction Method", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 6, no. 3, pp.258-264, June 2001.
S. Choi, K. Kim, "A New 18-Pulse Voltage Source Rectifier ", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, vol. 50B, no. 5, pp.245-250, May 2001.
S. Lim, Y. Han, Y. Kim, C. Won, S. Choi, "A New Control Algorithm of Series Active Power Filter for Harmonic Reduction in Power System", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, vol. 50B, no. 5, pp.221-228, May 2001.
S. Choi. S. Yang, "Output Waveform Improvement of Double-Connected 3-Phase Voltage Source Inverter by Single-Phase Inverter", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 6, no. 1, pp.21-26, Feb. 2001.
J. Jung, S. Choi, I. Lee, Y. Hwang, "Pulse Multiplication of 6-Pulse Thyristor Converter with Simple Auxiliary Circuit", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 5, no. 6, pp.568-574, Dec. 2000.
J. Oh, S. Choi, K. Kim, Y. Kim, C. Won, "A New 24-Pulse HVDC Converter", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 5, no. 3, pp.269-275, June 2000.
J. Lee, J. Kim, J. Lee, C. Won, Y. Kim, S. Choi, "Harmonic Reduction in Three-Phase Boost Converter with Sixth Order Harmonic Injected PWM", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 5, no. 2, pp.176-183, April 2000.
S. Yang, S. Choi, G. Moon, J. Cho, "New Double-Connected Multi-Step Inverter for SVC Applications", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 4, no. 6, pp.547-553, Dec. 1999.
J. Lee, J. Ahn, C. Won, Y. Kim, S. Choi, "The Prediction of Conducted EMI In PWM Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive System", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 4, no. 6, pp.579-588, Dec. 1999.
J. Oh, S. Choi, Y. Kim, C. Won, "Drawing Sinusoidal input Currents of Series-Connected Diode Rectifiers by A Current Injection Technique", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, vol. 48B, no. 11, pp.640-645, Nov. 1999.
S. Choi, K. Kim "A New 24-Pulse Diode Rectifier for High Voltage and High Power Application", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol. 4, no. 3, pp.304-309, June 1999.
S. Choi, "A New Multi-Pulse Diode Rectifier Front End with Tapped Interphase Reactor Draws Near Sinusoidal Input Currents", Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Science, vol. 2, no. 2, pp.70-76, April 1997.
S. Choi, P. Enjeti, "A New Diode Rectifier Type Utility Interface with Clean Power Characteristics", Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Science, vol. 1, no. 4, pp.97-102, Dec. 1996
S. Choi, S. Kim, Y. Kim, "A New Direct Single Phase to Three Phase Converter for Powering AC Motor", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, vol. 9, no. 2, pp.111-117, June 1996.
S. Choi, "An Approach to Realize Higher Power PWM AC Controller", Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, vol. 9, no. 2, pp.106-110, June 1996.
◾ A Compact 17.6 kW Single-/22 kW Three-Phase Compatible EV Charger: Analysis of Active Power Decoupling, Wide Voltage Range Operation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2025
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◾ Dual Floating based Three Port DC-DC Converter for EV-APM, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2024
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◾ Single/Three-Phase Compatible Sigma-Type OBC with Reduced Electrolytic Capacitor Volume, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2024
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◾ High-Efficiency Reconfigurable Single-Stage Bidirectional AC/DC Converter for 50 kW Fast Charger, IEEE Access, 2024
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◾ Open-Circuit Fault-Tolerant Method for Three-Phase CF-DAB Converter with Auto-Balancing Control, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2024
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◾ An All-in-one Magnetic Structure for Entire ZVS Range Auxiliary Power Module in Electrical Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2024
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◾ A GaN-Based Improved Zeta Converter With Integrated Planar Transformer for 800-V Electric Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2024
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◾ Single-Stage Totem-Pole AC-DC Converter based on Boost-Half Bridge Structure for battery chargers, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2024
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◾ Development and Performance Analysis of 100kW, 100kHz, 99% Soft-Switching Boost Converter for FCEV, The Transaction of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol.28 No.6 pp.463~469, 2023
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◾ A High-Efficiency Bidirectional Single-Stage AC-DC Converter Under Wide Voltage Range for Fast Chargers, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.38 No.4 pp.4945~4956, 2023
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◾ Open-Circuit-Fault-Tolerant Control for a Three-Phase Current-Fed Dual Active Bridge DC-DC Converter, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 2023
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◾ Three-Phase Single-Stage Bidirectional CCM Soft-Switching ACDC Converter With Minimum Switch Count, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.38 No.2 pp.2052~2062, 2023
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◾ Compact Integrated Transformer Grid Inductor Structure for E-Capless Single-Stage EV Charger, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 2023
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◾ Positive Feedback을 이용한 무효전력 P&O 단독운전 검출기법, The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol.27 No.5 pp.410~416, 2022
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◾ A Simple Modulation Strategy for Full ZVS of Single-Stage Electrolytic Capacitor-Less EV Charger With Universal Input, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.37 No.10 pp.12030~12040, 2022
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◾ Development of DC/DC Converters and Actual Vehicle Simulation Experiment for 150 kW Class Fuel-cell Electric Vehicle, 전력전자학회 논문지, vol.27 No.1 pp.26~32, 2022
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◾ 25 kW, 300 kHz High Step-Up Soft-Switching Converter for Next-Generation Fuel Cell Vehicles, 전력전자학회 논문지, vol.26 No.6 pp.404~410, 2021
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◾ A Single-Stage Electrolytic Capacitor-less EV Charger with Single- and Three-Phase Compatibility, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 2021
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◾ A 300kHz, 63kW/L ZVT DC-DC Converter for 800V Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 2021
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◾ A 11 kW 5.58 kW/L Electrolytic Capacitor-less EV Charger With Single- and Three-Phase Compatibility, The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol.26 No.4 pp.277~284, 2021
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◾ Unified Control Scheme of Grid-Connected Inverters for Autonomous and Smooth Transfer to Stand-Alone Mode, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 2021
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◾ Modular Bidirectional Differential Converter with Series Parallel Connected Output for Ultra-Wide-Voltage Applications: Control, Module Shedding, and Fail-Safe Operation, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 2021
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◾ Power Density Optimization of 700kHz GaN-based Auxiliary Power Module for Electric Vehicles, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 2021
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◾ Development of Planar Transformer and SiC Based 3 kW High Powe rDensity DC-DC Converter for Electric Vehicles, The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol.26 No.2 pp.112~119, 2021
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◾ An Isolated Single-Switch ZCS Resonant Converter with High Step-up ratio, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 2021
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◾ A Four-Phase Current-Fed Push-Pull DAB Converter for Wide-Voltage-Range Applications, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.36 No.10 pp.11383~11396, 2021
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◾ An Effective Integration of APM and OBC with Simultaneous Operation and Entire ZVS Range for Electronic Vehicles, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 2021
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◾ PV String-Level Isolated DC–DC Power Optimizer withWide Voltage Range, Energies, 2021
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◾ Interleaved Totem-Pole ZVS Converter Operating in CCM for Single-Stage Bidirectional AC–DC Conversion With High-Frequency Isolation, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 2021
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◾ A Bidirectional Three-Phase Push-Pull Converter With Hybrid PPS-DAPWM Switching Method for High Power and Wide Voltage Range Applications, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, vol.68 No.2 pp.1322~1331, 2021
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◾ A New Soft-Switching Three-Level Flying Capacitor Converter, The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol.25 No.6 pp.484~489, 2020
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◾ A Family of ZVT DC-DC Converters With Low-Voltage Ringing, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.35 No.1 pp.59~69, 2020
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◾ 마이크로그리드에서 계통연계 인버터의 자율적이며 끊김없는 모드전환 기법, The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Eletronics, vol.24 No.5 pp.349~355, 2019
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◾ Single-Stage Isolated Electrolytic Capacitor-Less EV Onboard Charger With Power Decoupling, CPSS TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.4 No.1 pp.30~39, 2019
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◾ Reactive Power PO Anti-Islanding Method for a Grid-Connected Inverter With Critical Load, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.34 No.1 pp.204~212, 2019
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◾ Zero-Voltage-Transition PWM DC-DC Converter Using A New Active-Snubber-Cell, The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol.23 No.4 pp.273~280, 2018
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◾ Control Scheme for Autonomous and Smooth Mode Switching of Bidirectional DC-DC Converters in a DC Microgrid, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.33 No.8 pp.7094~7104, 2018
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◾ A 48V-400V Non-isolated Bidirectional Soft-switching DC-DC Converter for Residential ESS, The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol.23 No.3 pp.190~198, 2018
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◾ Operation and Control Strategy of a New Hybrid ESS-UPS System, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.33 No.6 pp.4746~4755, 2018
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◾ Analysis, Design, and Implementation of a High Gain Soft-Switching Bidirectional DC-DC Converter With PPS Control, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.33 No.6 pp.4807~4816, 2018
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◾ New Parallel Loaded Resonant Converter With Wide Output Voltage Range, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.33 No.4 pp.3106~3114, 2018
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◾ 적은 소자수를 갖고 전해커패시터가 없는 단일단 인터리브드 토템폴 전기자동차 탑재형 충전기, The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol.22 No.6 pp.510~516, 2017
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◾ Reduced Active Switch Front-End Multipulse Rectifier With Medium-Frequency Transformer Isolation, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.32 No.10 pp.7458~7468, 2017
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◾ An Electrolytic Capacitorless Bidirectional EV Charger for V2G and V2H Applications, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.32 No.9 pp.6792~6799, 2017
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◾ Development of 80kW Bi-directional Hybrid-SiC Boost-Buck Converter using Droop Control in DC Nano-grid, The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol.22 No.4 pp.360~368, 2017
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◾ A Single-stage Interleaved Electrolytic Capacitor-less EV Charger with Reduced Component Count, The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol.22 No.3 pp.185~192, 2017
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◾ Series Voltage Regulator for a Distribution Transformer to Compensate Voltage Sag/Swell, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, vol.64 No.6 pp.4501~4510, 2017
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◾ Development of 50kW High Efficiency Modular Fast Charger for Both EV and NEV, The Transaction of the korean institute of power electronics, vol.21 No.5 pp.373~380, 2016
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◾ A PCS Control Strategy for Hybrid ESS with Function of Emergency Power Supply, The Transaction of the korean institute of power electronics, vol.21 No.4 pp.302~311, 2016
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◾ Parallel Operation Control Method of Grid-connected Inverters with Seamless Transfer for Energy Storage System in Microgrid, The Transaction of the korean institute of power electronics, vol.21 No.3 pp.200~206, 2016
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◾ Development of 50kW High Efficiency Fast Charger with Wide Charging Voltage Range, The Transaction of the korean institute of power electronics, vol.21 No.3 pp.267~274, 2016
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◾ A Bidirectional Three-Phase Push-Pull Converter With Dual Asymmetrical PWM Method, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.31 No.3 pp.1887~1895, 2016
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◾ Design and Control Strategy for Autonomous and Seamless Mode Transition of High Efficiency Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for ISG Systems, The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol.21 No.1 pp.19~26, 2016
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◾ A Fully Soft-Switched Single Switch Isolated DC-DC Converter, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.30 No.9 pp.4883~4930, 2015
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◾ New Interleaved Current-Fed Resonant Converter With Significantly Reduced High Current Side Output Filter for EV and HEV Applications, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.30 No.8 pp.4264~4271, 2015
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◾ A 3.3kW Bi-directional EV Charger with V2G and V2H function, The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol.20 No.1 pp.31~37, 2015
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◾ Development of 3kW Hybrid ESS with Function of Emergency Power Supply, The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol.20 No.1 pp.11~18, 2015
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◾ Bi-Directional Interleaved Current-Fed Resonant Converter with Reduced Sized of Output Filter for FCEV, The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol.19 No.6 pp.503~510, 2014
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◾ Zero-current switching series loaded resonant converter insensitive to resonant component tolerance for battery charger, IET POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.7 No.10 pp.2517~2524, 2014
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◾ Design and Control of a Bidirectional Resonant DC-DC Converter for Automotive Engine/Battery Hybrid Power Generators, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.29 No.7 pp.3748~3757, 2014
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◾ High Gain Soft-Switching Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Eco-Friendly Vehicles, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.29 No.4 pp.1659~1666, 2014
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◾ A Seamless Transfer Method of Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for ESS in DC Micro-grids, The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol.19 No.2 pp.194~200, 2014
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◾ Development of 12V, 1000A Isolated Bidirectional Resonant DC-DC Converter, The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, vol.19 No.1 pp.57~63, 2014
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◾ Quasi-Resonant Boost-Half-Bridge Converter With Reduced Turn-Off Switching Losses for 16 V Fuel Cell Application, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.28 No.11 pp.4892~4896, 2013
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◾ A Bidirectional Three-phase Push-pull Zero-Voltage Switching DC-DC Converter, The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics,, vol.18 No.4 pp.403~411, 2013
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◾ High Step-Up Soft-Switched Converters Using Voltage Multiplier Cells, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.28 No.7 pp.3379~3387, 2013
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◾ Optimized LCL filter Design Method of Utility Interactive Inverter, 전력전자학회 논문지, vol.18 No.1 pp.103~109, 2013
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◾ Controller Design and Implementation of Indirect Current Control Based Utility-Interactive Inverter System, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.28 No.1 pp.26~30, 2013
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◾ Anti-islanding Method by Harmonic Injection for Utility Interactive Inverter with Critical Load, 전력전자학회 논문지, vol.17 No.4 pp.315~321, 2012
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◾ High Gain Soft switching Bi-directional Converter for Eco-friendly Vehicle HDC, 전력전자학회 논문지, vol.17 No.4 pp.322~329, 2012
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◾ Nonisolated ZVZCS Resonant PWM DC-DC Converter for High Step-Up and High-Power Applications, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.27 No.8 pp.3568~3575, 2012
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◾ Indirect Current Control for Seamless Transfer of Three-Phase Utility Interactive Inverters, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.27 No.2 pp.773~781, 2012
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◾ Advanced Dynamic Simulation of Supercapacitors Considering Parameter Variation and Self-Discharge, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.26 No.11 pp.3377~3385, 2011
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◾ Soft-Switched Interleaved Boost Converters for High Step-Up and High-Power Applications, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.26 No.10 pp.2906~2914, 2011
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◾ Optimized Topology and LCL Filter Design of Utility-interactive PCS for MCFC Generation, 전력전자학회 논문지, vol.16 No.4 pp.405~414, 2011
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◾ A Three-Phase Current-Fed Push-Pull DC-DC Converter With Active Clamp for Fuel Cell Applications, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.26 No.8 pp.2266~2277, 2011
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◾ Design of a High Power Three-Phase ZVS Push-Pull Converter, 전력전자학회 논문지, vol.16 No.3 pp.209~218, 2011
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◾ Three-Phase ZVS DC-DC Converter with Low Transformer Turn Ratio for High Step-up and High Power Applications, 전력전자학회 논문지, vol.16 No.3 pp.242~249, 2011
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◾ High Step-up Interleaved CCM-ZVZCS Converters, 전력전자학회 논문지, vol.16 No.2 pp.114~121, 2011
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◾ Multiphase DC-DC Converters Using a Boost-Half-Bridge Cell for High-Voltage and High-Power Applications, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.26 No.2 pp.381~388, 2011
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◾ Analysis, design and experimental results of a floating-output interleaved-input boost-derived DC-DC high-gain transformer-less converter, IET POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.4 No.1 pp.168~180, 2011
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◾ An Improved Current-Fed ZVS Isolated Boost Converter for Fuel Cell Applications, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.25 pp.2357~2364, 2010
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◾ Three-Parallel System Operation and Grid-Connection Technique for High-Power Wind Turbines using a PMSG, 전력전자학회 논문지, vol.15 No.4 pp.296~308, 2010
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◾ Performance Improvement of LCL-Filter-Based Grid-Connected Inverters Using PQR Power Transformation, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.25 pp.1320~1330, 2010
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◾ Soft-Switched CCM Boost Converters With High Voltage Gain for High-Power Applications, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.25 pp.1211~1217, 2010
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◾ A Three-Phase Zero-Voltage and Zero-Current Switching DC-DC Converter for Fuel Cell Applications, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.25 pp.391~398, 2010
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◾ A Non-isolated DC-DC Converter with High Step-up Ratio and Wide ZVS Range, 전력전자학회 논문지, vol.14 No.4 pp.315~322, 2009
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◾ A New Asymmetrical PWM Bidirectional Half Bridge Converter for Wide Input Voltage Range Applications, 전력전자학회 논문지, vol.14 No.3 pp.235~242, 2009
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◾ Development of the Improved Dynamic Model of the Supercapacitor Considering Self-Discharge, 전력전자학회 논문지, vol.14 No.3 pp.188~196, 2009
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◾ A New Unity Power Factor Rectifier System using an Active Waveshaping Technique, JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.9 pp.173~179, 2009
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◾ Combined Dithered Sigma-Delta Modulation based Random PWM Switching Scheme, JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.9 pp.667~678, 2009
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◾ Indirect current control algorithm for utility interactive inverters in distributed generation systems, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.23 pp.1342~1347, 2008
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◾ A Transformer-less Boost Converter with High Gain and Low Current Ripple for Fuel Cell Application, 전력전자학회 논문지, vol.13 No.2 pp.79~87, 2008
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◾ A low cost utility interactive inverter for residential fuel cell generation, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.22 pp.2293~2298, 2007
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◾ Analysis and control of a single-phase-inverter-zigzag-transformer hybrid neutral-current suppressor in three-phase four-wire systems, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, vol.54 pp.2201~2208, 2007
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◾ An improved anti-islanding algorithm for utility interconnection of multiple distributed fuel cell powered generations, Journal of Electrical Engineering Technology, 2006
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◾ 연속적인 운전모드의 전환을 위한 계통연계형 인버터의 간접전류 제어기법, 전력전자학회 논문지, 2006
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◾ A three-phase unity-power-factor diode rectifier with active input current shaping , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 2005
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◾ A novel power conversion circuit for cost-effective battery-fuel cell hybrid systems, JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, 2005
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◾ 연료전지자동차에서 연료이용률과 연료전지 내구성 향상을 위한 양방향 DC-DC 컨버터의 제어기법, 전력전자학회 논문지, 2005
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◾ 중 대용량 STATCOM을 위한 새로운 60-스텝 인버터 시스템, 전력전자학회 논문지, 2005
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◾ A 10-kW SOFC low-Voltage battery hybrid power conditioning system for residential use , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, 2005
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◾ A new three-phase harmonic-free rectification scheme based on zero-sequence current injection, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS, 2005
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◾ A reduced-rating hybrid filter to suppress neutral current harmonics in three-phase four-wire systems, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 2004
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◾ 효율개선을 위한 Push-Pull Converter의 동기정류에 관한 연구, 전력전자학회 논문지, 2004
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◾ 이중접속방식의 멀티스텝 인버터를 이용한 대용량 STATCOM의 개발, 전력전자학회 논문지, 2004
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◾ 고체산화물형 연료전지를 위한 10KW급 독립전력변환장치의 개발, 전력전자학회 논문지, 2003
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◾ 새로운 능동형 고역률 다이오드 정류기시스템, 전력전자학회 논문지, 2003
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◾ 서보건 타입 인버터 스폿용접시스템, 전력전자학회 논문지, 2003
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◾ 특집 : 대체에너지 발전시스템에서의 전력전자기술 - 연료전지 발전시스템에서의 전력전자 기술, 전력전자학회지, 2003
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◾ Performance Improvement of an Active Neutral Harmoni Suppressor System Under Unbalanced Load Conditions, Jorrnal of Power Electronics, 2003
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◾ 고전압 대용량을 위한 새로운 인버터 토폴로지, 전기학회 논문지, 2003
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◾ TMS320F240을 이용한 PWM 인버터 유도전동기 구동 시스템의 전도노이즈 저감을 위한 스위칭기법, 전력전자학회 논문지, 2003
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◾ 새로운 영상전류 주입법에 의한 다이오드 정류기의 고조파 저감, 전력전자학회 논문지, 2002
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◾ 3상 4선식 배전계통에서 중성선전류 제거를 위한 새로운 저가형 능동필터, 전력전자학회 논문지, 2002
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◾ 진화알고리즘을 이용한 인버터 스폿용접기의 가변전력제어, 전력전자학회 논문지, 2002
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◾ 퍼지 제어기를 이용한 병렬 PWM 컨버터의 과도응답특성 개선, 전력전자학회 논문지, 2002
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◾ New pulse multiplication technique based on six-pulse thyristor converters for high-power applications, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS, 2002
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◾ 계통연계형 대체에너지 발전시스템을 위한 고펄스 SCR 인버터, 전력전자학회 논문지, 2002
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◾ PWM 인버터 시스템에서의 전도노이즈 저감을 위한 출력필터 설계에 관한 연구, 전력전자학회 논문지, 2001
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◾ 전류 고조파와 불평형 전원 전압을 보상하는 직렬형 능동전력필터와 병렬형 수동전력필터 병용시스템의 새로운 제어법, 전기학회 논문지, 2001
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◾ 직접 보상전압 추출기법을 이용한 새로운 직렬형 능동전력필터, 전력전자학회 논문지, 2001
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◾ 새로운 18-펄스 전압형 정류회로, 전기학회 논문지, 2001
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◾ 전력계통 시스템에서 고조파 저감을 위한 새로운 직렬형 능동전력필터의 제어법, 전기학회 논문지, 2001
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◾ 특집 : PFC 기술동향 - 전류주입에 의한 고조파 저감기술의 개발동향, 전력전자학회지, 2001
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◾ 단상 인버터의 동작에 의한 이중접속 3상 전압원 인버터의 출력파형 개선, 전력전자학회 논문지, 2001
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◾ 간단한 보조회로 추가에 의한 6-펄스 싸이리스터 컨버터의 다펄스화, 전력전자학회 논문지, 2000
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◾ 새로운 24-펄스 HVDC 컨버터, 전력전자학회 논문지, 2000
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◾ 6고조파 주입 PWM을 이용한 3상 승압형 컨버터 고조파저감, 전력전자학회 논문지, 2000
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◾ SVC적용을 위한 새로운 이중접속방식의 멀티스텝 인버터, 전력전자학회 논문지, 1999
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◾ PWM인버터-유도전동기 구동시스템의 전도노이즈 예측, 전력전자학회 논문지, 1999
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◾ 직렬접속형 다이오드 정류기 시스템의 전류주입에 의한 고조파 저감, 전기학회, 1999
[원문보기] 최세완
◾ 새로운 고전압 대전력용 24-펄스 다이오드 정류기 시스템, 전력전자학회 논문지, 1999
[원문보기] 최세완
◾ A New Multi-Pulse Diode Rectifier Front End with Tapped Interphase Reactor Draws Near Sinusoidal Input Currents, Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Science, 1997
[원문보기] 최세완
◾ New 24-pulse diode rectifier systems for utility interface of high-power AC motor drives, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS, 1997
[원문보기] 최세완
◾ A New Diode Rectifier Type Utility Interface with Clean Power Characteristics, Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Science, 1996
[원문보기] 최세완
◾ A new active interphase reactor for 12-pulse rectifiers provides clean power utility interface, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS, 1996
[원문보기] 최세완
◾ Polyphase transformer arrangements with reduced kVA capacities for harmonic current reduction in rectifier-type utility interface, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.11 No.5 pp.680~690, 1996
[원문보기] 최세완
◾ A New Direct Single Phase to Three Phase Converter for Powering AC Motor, Journal of KIEE, 1996
[원문보기] 최세완
◾ An Approach to Realize Higher Power PWM AC Controller, Journal of KIEE, 1996
[원문보기] 최세완
Conference Papers
42 papers presented at the international conference
138 papers presented at the domestic conference
◾ 타반민쏭, 서재희, 최세완, Stability comparison of Single-Stage vs. Two-Stage OBC with Interleaved totem-pole front-end, 2024년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 제주도 해비치리조트, 2024최세완
◾ 도바푸, 밀리언 게라도 게다, 이승헌, 김민지 , 최세완, Three- and single-phase compatible single-stage OBC with Half-Bridge secondary, 2024년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 제주도 해비치리조트, 2024최세완
◾ 도바푸, 밀리언 게라도 게다, 이승헌, 권용범, 최세완, Three-phase Single-stage AC-DC Converter with 6-switch secondary, 2024년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 제주도 해비치리조트, 2024최세완
◾ 기에우 흐우 푹, 도 응옥 규, 김선주, 최세완, 9.1kW/L, 6.1kW, 800V-48V-12V bidirectional LDC, 2024년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 제주도 해비치리조트, 2024최세완
◾ 응웬 딩 바오 흥, 기에우 흐우 푹 , 밀리언 게라도 게다 , 송희경 , 이동혁 , 최세완, Integrated magnetic of transformer–grid inductor for single-stage interleaved totem-pole AC-DC converter, 2024년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 제주도 해비치리조트, 2024최세완
◾ 이동혁 , 김기훈 , 나하늘, 권용범, 이승헌 , 최세완, 시단트 판데, Development of Single-stage ICCU integrating 11kW OBC and 3kW LDC, 2024년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 제주도 해비치리조트, 2024최세완
◾ 조범수 , 기에우 흐우 푹 , 김덕호 , 이동한 , 최세완, Development of 240kW, 51.5kW/L fuel cell DC-DC converter, 2024년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 제주도 해비치리조트, 2024최세완
◾ 기에우 흐우 푹, 이동혁, 응웬 딩 바오 흥, 최세완, 8.4kW/L, 3kW PSFB LDC with All-in-One Magnetics, 2024년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 제주도 해비치리조트, 2024최세완
◾ 김덕호, 조범수, 이동한, 최세완, Development of 50kW, 100kHz, 99.4% Soft-Switching Boost Converter for UAM, 2024년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 제주도 해비치리조트, 2024최세완
◾ 도 응옥 규, 이창섭, 기에우 흐우 푹, 이상훈, 최세완, 3-port LDC 비교 분석 : 제안하는 DABSRC vs. Toyota DAB , Comparative Analysis of 3-port LDC: Proposed DABSRC vs. Toyota DAB, 제주도 해비치리조트, 2024최세완
◾ 송희경 , 밀리언 게라도 게다 , 김한수 , 김효민 , 이승훈 , 최세완, V2X implementation of Single-stage OBC, 2024년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 제주도 해비치리조트, 2024최세완
◾ 기에우 흐우 푹, 응웬 딩 바오 흥, 이동혁, 최세완, All-in-one Magnetic Structure for LDC with Current Doubler Rectifier, 2024년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 제주도 해비치리조트, 2024최세완
◾ 이창섭, 도 응옥 규, 기에우 흐우 푹, 이상훈, 최세완, Bidirectional DAB-SRC based DC-DC converter for 800V-48V-12V LDC, 2024년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 제주도 해비치리조트, 2024최세완
◾ 김진학, 김기훈, 이창섭, 나하늘, 안찬영, 최세완, 김현빈, Optimal Design of Integrated Transformer for Single-Phase/Three-Phase Compatible 22kW OBC, 2024년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 제주도 해비치리조트, 2024최세완
◾ 서재희, 이완희, 김진학, 김재훈, 최세완, 박인국, Development of 5.5kW Residential PV-ESS Grid-connected PCS, 2024년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 제주도 해비치리조트, 2024최세완
◾ Ba Phu Do, Million Gerado Geda, Jisoo Yun, Kunwoo Kang, Seungheon Lee, Sewan Choi, Single-Phase and Three-Phase Compatible SingleStage OBC with 6-switches Secondary Side, 2024 IEEE 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2024-ECCE Asia), 중국 청두, 2024최세완
◾ Sunju Kim, Million Gerado Geda, Kihoon Kim, Sewan Choi, An Integrated 1-stage OBC with Power Decoupling for DC charging, 2024 IEEE 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2024-ECCE Asia), 중국 청두, 2024최세완
◾ Dinh Bao-Hung Nguyen, Huu-Phuc Kieu, Million Gerado Geda, Sewan Choi, An Improved Integrated Grid Inductor-Transformer Magnetic Structure for Single-Stage EV Charger, 2024 IEEE 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2024-ECCE Asia), 중국 청두, 2024최세완
◾ Huu-Phuc Kieu, Ngoc-Quy Do, Sewan Choi, A New Bidirectional Three Port DC-DC Converter for Dual Auxiliary Voltage in EV Application, 2024 IEEE 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2024-ECCE Asia), 중국 청두, 2024최세완
◾ Ngoc-Quy Do, Changseop Lee, Jinhak Kim, Huu-Phuc Kieu, Sewan Choi, 800V/48V/12V 6kW resonant dc-dc converter with dual transformers for Electric Vehicles, 2024 IEEE 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2024-ECCE Asia), 중국 청두, 2024최세완
◾ Million Gerado Geda, Huigyeong Song, Ba Phu Do, Sewan Choi, Light Load Efficiency Enhancement Strategy for Single-Stage AC-DC by Using Adaptive Switching Frequency, 2024 IEEE 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2024-ECCE Asia), 중국 청두, 2024최세완
◾ Million Gerado Geda, Huigyeong Song, Phu Do Ba, Bumsoo Cho, Sunju Kim, Sewan Choi, Dual Transformer-Based Single-Stage Converter for EV Fast Charger with Flat Efficiency Characteristics, 2024 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 미국 캘리포니아, 2024최세완
◾ Huu-Phuc Kieu, Dinh Bao-Hung Nguyen, Donghyuk Lee, Sewan Choi, All-in-one Magnetic Structure for PSFB converter with Current Doubler Rectifier, 2024 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 미국 캘리포니아, 2024최세완
◾ 김진영, 기에우 흐우 푹, 응웬 딩 바오 흥, 최세완, 이동한, 시단트 판데, Development of 100kW, 27.2kW/L Efficiency FDC for FCEV, 2023년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 웰리힐리파크, 2023최세완
◾ 이완희, 이동한, 임병석, 박세진, 김진학, 최세완, Development of 22kW Bidirectional OBC with Charging/Discharging Control Technique for Light Load Control, 2023년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 웰리힐리파크, 2023최세완
◾ 김기훈, 김재훈, 이창섭, 송희경, 최세완, Development of Bidirectional OBC with 3-phase 11kW/Single-phase 7.2kW Compatibility, 2023년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 웰리힐리파크, 2023최세완
◾ 이승헌, 김선주, 윤지수, 홍성현, 최세완, Development of DC-DC Converter for 200A, 5V battery Cycler with high step up/down ratio and high dynamic response, 2023년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 웰리힐리파크, 2023최세완
◾ 김재훈, 송희경, 김유빈, 최세완, 여인용, 이윤식, 김상진, A New Integrated Converter for 48V Swappable Battery electric vehicles, 2023년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 웰리힐리파크, 2023최세완
◾ 강건우, 김선주, 밀리언 게라도 게다, 기에우 흐우 푹, 최세완, 이수창, 윤주환, 박정필, Development of 1-Stage DAB Microinverter with Integrated Core, 2023년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 웰리힐리파크, 2023최세완
◾ 우현식, 이동한, 최세완, Development of natural cooled high-efficiency 800V-48V, 4kW LDC for electric vehicles, 2023년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 웰리힐리파크, 2023최세완
◾ 이창섭, 김기훈, 김재훈, 김유빈, 최세완, Development of single/three phase compatible OBC with V2G/V2L, 2023년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 웰리힐리파크, 2023최세완
◾ 김진영, 기에우 흐우 푹, 응웬 딩 바오 흥, 최세완, 이동한, 시단트 판데, Performance Analysis of 100kW, 100kHz, 99% Soft-Switching Boost Converter for FCEV, 2023년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 웰리힐리파크, 2023최세완
◾ Siddhant Bikram Pandey, Tat-Thang LE, Sunju Kim, Tuan Nguyen Manh, Sewan Choi, Junyeong Park and Jonathan Hong, Analysis and Implementation of a DAB DC-DC Converter for OBC Application with Wide Output Voltage Range, 2023 11th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE 2023 - ECCE Asia), 제주 부영호텔, 2023최세완
◾ Sunju Kim, Kunwoo Kang, Million Gerado Geda, Huu-Phuc Kieu, Sewan Choi and Suchang Lee, Juhwan Yun, Jungpil Park, A High-Efficiency Single-Stage DAB Microinverter with New Switching Modulation and Integrated Transformer, 2023 11th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE 2023 - ECCE Asia), 제주 부영호텔, 2023최세완
◾ Million Gerado Geda, Tat-Thang LE, Sunju Kim, Kihoon Kim, Huu-Phuc Kieu, and Sewan Choi, High Efficiency and High-Power Quality Modulation Strategy for Single-Stage Electrolytic Capacitor-less On-board EV Charger, 2023 11th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE 2023 - ECCE Asia), 제주도 부영호텔, 2023최세완
◾ 강건우, 김선주, 밀리언 게라도 게다, 이종원, 최세완, 이수창, 정현주, Development of High-Efficiency Single-Stage Micro Inverter for MLPE, 2022년도 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 한국교통대학교 의왕캠퍼스, 2022최세완
◾ Tat-Thang Le; Jaeyeon Lee; Sewan Choi, A Boost-Half Bridge-based Single-Stage E-capless EV Charger, 2022 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), USA, 2022최세완
◾ 김유빈, 김선주, 이창섭, 최세완, Low-profile design of AC-DC converter for RFG with Universal input, wide output voltage range, 2022 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 한화리조트(경주), 2022최세완
◾ 김진영, 김재훈, 김기훈, 이창섭, 최세완, 11kW bidirectional OBC using Sigma Converter, 2022 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 한화리조트(경주), 2022최세완
◾ 밀리언 게라도 게다, 레덧탕, 기에우 흐우 푹, 김선주, 최세완, A New ZVS Modulation Strategy for Single-Stage Electrolytic Capacitor-less On-board Charger, 2022 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 한화리조트(경주), 2022최세완
◾ 김선주, 김기훈, 밀리언 게라도 게다, 이재연, 최세완, Power decoupling integrated 1-stage OBC with DC charging, THE KOREAN INSTITUTE OF POWER ELECTRONICS, 한화리조트(경주), 2022최세완
◾ 박세진, 이재연, 이동한, 임병석, 최세완, 김헌희, 양동혁, Active Power Decoupling for Three-Phase 22kW/Single-Phase 17.6kW E-capless Bidirectional OBC, 2022 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 한화리조트(경주), 2022최세완
◾ 임병석, 이재연, 이동한, 박세진, 최세완, 김헌희, 양동혁, 이진희, 전용성, Development of bidirectional OBC with 3-phase 22kW/single-phase 17.6kW Compatibility for North America and Europe, 2022 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 한화리조트(경주), 2022최세완
◾ 윤지수, 이동한, 우현식, 기에우 흐우 푹, 최세완, Planar core design and development of 3.5kW SiC LDC applying magnetic flux cancellation technique, 2022 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 한화리조트(경주), 2022최세완
◾ 시단트 판데, 레덧탕, 장재혁, 최세완, 11kW/200kHz DAB converter for OBC with wide output voltage range, THE KOREAN INSTITUTE OF POWER ELECTRONICS, 한화리조트(경주), 2022최세완
◾ Ramadhan Muhammad; Huu-Phuc Kieu; Junyeong Park; LE Tat-Thang; Sewan Choi; Hoyoung Jung; Bo-Kyung Yoon, Integrated Grid Inductor-Transformer Structure with Reduced Core Loss and Volume for E-Capless Single-Stage EV Charger, 2022 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), Online, 2022최세완
◾ 김선주, 박준영, 김기훈, 이재연, 최세완, Active Power Decoupling circuit design of Modular single-stage OBC for DC charging, 2021 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 온라인 발표, 2021최세완
◾ 레덧탕, 김형진, 기에우 흐우폭, 김선주, 이동한, 김재훈, 이재연, 라마단, 최세완, A Single-Stage Isolated Bidirectional AC-DC Converter for Super-Charger, 2021 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 온라인 발표, 2021최세완
◾ Tat-Thang LE, Ramadhan Muhammad Hakim, Junyeong Park and Sewan Choi, Fellow, A Single-stage Four-Phase Totem-Pole AC-DC Converter with Wide Voltage Range and Compact Integrated Magnetic Component, 2021 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Webinar, 2021최세완
◾ Huu Phuc Kieu, Donghan Lee,Sangjin Kim and Sewan Choi, A 700kHz 800V/14V GaN-based DC-DC Converter with optimized Integrated Transformer for Electrical Vehicles, 2021 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Webinar, 2021최세완
◾ 김선주, 하이뜨란, 최세완, 25kW, 300kHz 연료전지 자동차용 고승압 소프트 스위칭 컨버터, 2021 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 소노벨 변산(부안), 2021최세완
◾ Ramadhan, Huu Phuc Kieu, Junyeong Park, Sewan Choi, Design of Integrated Planar Magnetic for Single-Stage EV Charger, 2021 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 소노벨 변산(부안), 2021최세완
◾ Huu Phuc Kieu, Donghan Lee, Seongcheon Cho, Sewan Choi, Design of Integrated Planar Transformers for GaN-based Low Profile LDC for 800V EV, 2021 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 소노벨 변산(부안), 2021최세완
◾ 이동한, 기에우 흐우 푹, 김기훈, 최세완, 800V 전기자동차용 700kHz GaN 기반 Low-Profile LDC, 2021 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 소노벨 변산(부안), 2021최세완
◾ 석채영, 유기범, 김진영, 최세완, 전해 커패시터 부피를 줄인 단상/3상 겸용 Sigma 타입 OBC, 2021 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 소노벨 변산(부안), 2021최세완
◾ 이종원, 서희진, 최세완, 무효전력 P&O 단독운전 검출 기법에 의한 계통연계형 인버터의 끊김없는 모드 전환, 2021 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 소노벨 변산(부안), 2021최세완
◾ Tat-Thang LE, Minh-Khai Nguyen, Caisheng Wang, Sewan Choi, Fault-Tolerant Control of Three-Phase Bidirectional Current-Fed Dual Active Bridge DC-DC Converter, 2021 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC), Webinar, 2021최세완
◾ Hyungjin Kim, Junyeong Park, Sunju Kim, Ramadhan Muhammad Hakim, Huu Phuc Kieu, Sewan Choi, Single-Stage EV On-Board Charger with Single- and Three-Phase Grid Compatibility, 2021 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), Webinar, 2021최세완
◾ Hyeonju Jeong, Jaeyeon Lee, Taehyung Song, Sewan Choi, Three-phase Single-stage Bi-directional Electrolytic Capacitor-less AC-DC converter with minimum switch count, 2021 IEEE 12th Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition - Asia (ECCE-Asia), Webinar, 2021최세완
◾ Hyungjin Kim, Hamza Belkamel, Junyeong Park, Ramadhan Muhammad Hakim, Sewan Choi, Modular Three-phase Single-stage Isolated AC-DC Converter for Electrolytic Capacitor-less EV DC Charging, 2020 IEEE 9th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2020-ECCE Asia), Webinar, 2020최세완
◾ 레덧탕,석채영,김선주,최세완, A Four-Phase Current-Fed DC-DC Converter for Wide Voltage Range Applications, 2020 IEEE 9th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2020-ECCE Asia), Webinar, 2020최세완
◾ 송태형 김선주 이재연 유기범 최세완, 유로 효율 개선을 위한 3레벨 Flying Capacitor Boost Converter의 하이브리드 스위칭 기법, 2020 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 온라인 발표, 2020최세완
◾ 정현주, 이재연, 송태형, 이종원, 최세완, 전해커패시터가 없고 스위치 개수가 적은 3상 단일단 양방향 CCM 소프트스위칭 AC-DC 컨버터, 2020 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 온라인 발표, 2020최세완
◾ 유기범, 김익순, 석채영, 김선주, 최세완, 모듈 간 위상 차이를 이용하여 동시충전이 가능한 OBC-LDC 통합형 충전기, 2020 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 온라인 발표, 2020최세완
◾ 김형진, 박준영, 김선주, 라마단, 기에우 흐우 푹, 최세완, 넓은 전압 범위에서 ZVS가 되는 단상/3상 겸용 무전해커패시터 EV 충전기, 2020 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 온라인 발표, 2020최세완
◾ Ramadhan Muhammad, Sangjin Kim, Chaeyoung Suk, and Sewan Choi, Byeongu Yu, Sanghun Park, Integrated Planar Transformer Design of 3-kW Auxiliary Power Module for Electric Vehicles, 2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE, Online presentation (DETROIT, MICHIGAN), 2020최세완
◾ Gibum Yu, Sewan Choi, Auxiliary Power Module - Integrated EV Charger with Extended ZVS range, 2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE, Online presentation (DETROIT, MICHIGAN), 2020최세완
◾ 유기범, 석채영, 김선주, 최세완, OBC-LDC Integrated Charger with Entire ZVS Range using Common Leg, 2020 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 웰리휠리 파크(강원 횡성), 2020최세완
◾ 김형진 박준영 함자벨카멜 라마단 최세완, E-capless 11kW, 5.5kW/L EV On-Board Charger with Single and Three-Phase Grid Compatibility, 2020 korean institute of power electronics conference, 웰리휠리파크(강원도 횡성), 2020최세완
◾ 라마단1, 석채영1, 김상진1, 최세완1, 유병우2, 박상훈2, Integrated Planar Transformer Design of 3 kW LDC for Electric Vehicles, 2020 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 웰리휠리 파크(강원도 횡성), 2020최세완
◾ 김선주, 이재연, 유기범, 최세완, Single-phase/Three-phase Compatible E-capless 11kW 800V EV Charger with DC charging, 2020 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 웰리휠리 파크(강원도 횡성), 2020최세완
◾ 김익순, 이동한, 김재훈, 최세완, 15kW Isolated DC-DC Converter for Charging/Discharging from 0V to 100V, 2020 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 웰리휠리파크(강원도 횡성), 2020최세완
◾ 석채영1, 김상진1, 라마단1, 최세완1, 유병우2, 박상훈2, Development of SiC based 3kW high frequencyㆍhigh power density LDC for electric vehicles, 2020 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 웰리휠리 파크(강원도 횡성), 2020최세완
◾ 김규영1, 김상진1, Adhis1, 최세완1, 양대기2, 홍석용2, 이윤식3, 여인용3, Development of 8kW/L, 700kHz GaN based Auxiliary Power Module using planar matrix transformer for xEV, 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 서울대학교 서울캠퍼스, 2019최세완
◾ 유기범, 김형진, 하이뜨란, 이재연, 최세완, 팽성일, 주상현, Start-up Control Method of PV String Power Optimizer in the PV Grid Connected System, 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 서울대학교 서울캠퍼스, 2019최세완
◾ Sangjin Kim, Adhistira M. Naradhipa and Sewan Choi, Development of a High Power Density GaN-based Transistor Low-Voltage High-Current Phase-Shift Full-Bridge Current Doubler Converter for Electric Vehicles, 2019 IEEE ECCE, Baltimore, Baltimore, USA, 2019최세완
◾ 김재훈, 김익순, 라마단, 최세완, A New Soft-switching Three-level Flying Capacitor Converter, 2019 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 리솜스파캐슬(충남 예산), 2019최세완
◾ 유기범1 , 김형진1 , 하이뜨란1 , 최세완1 , 최운성2 , 최영규2 , 이정욱2 , 주상현2, Development of High Efficiency PV String Power Optimizer using Dual-Bridge LLC Resonant Converte, 2019 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 리솜스파캐슬(충남 예산), 2019최세완
◾ 김상진1 , Adhis1 , 김규영1 , 최세완1 , 양대기2 , 홍석용2 , 이윤식3 , 여인용3, Development of 8kW/L, 700kHz Low voltage DC-DC converter using GaN-HEMT, 2019 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 리솜스파캐슬(충남 예산), 2019최세완
◾ 강수한, 박성열, 최세완, Autonomous Mode Transfer Control Method of Inverter for ESS in AC Microgrid, 2019 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 리솜스파캐슬(충남 예산), 2019최세완
◾ 레덧탕, 정현주, 김선주, 최세완, A 22kW Bidirectional Three-Phase Push-Pull Converter for Wide Voltage Range Application, 2019 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 리솜스파캐슬(충남 예산), 2019최세완
◾ 박성열, 강수한, 정호영, 최세완, A Seamless Mode Transfer Method of Droop Control based Grid-connected Parallel Inverter, 2019 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 리솜스파캐슬(충남 예산), 2019최세완
◾ Adhistira M. Naradhipa, Suhan Kang, and Sewan Cho, A Two-Phase Interleaved Single-Stage Isolated Boost-Half-Bridge AC-DC Converter using a Transformer with Flux Cancellation, 2019 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 리솜스파캐슬(충남 예산), 2019최세완
◾ 김상진1 , Adhis1 , 김규영1 , 최세완1 , 양대기2 , 홍석용2 , 이윤식3 , 여인용3, Development of Low voltage DC-DC converter for xEV with high frequency·high power density based on GaN-HEMT and Planar transformer, 2019 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 리솜스파캐슬(충남 예산), 2019최세완
◾ 이동한1 , 레덧탕1 , 김선주1, 정현주1, 최세완✝, 유승영2 , 양대기2, 50kW DC-DC Converter for V2G Fast Charger with Wide Charging Voltage Range, 2019 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 리솜스파캐슬(충남 예산), 2019최세완
◾ Sungyoul Park , Sewan Choi, Minho Kwon, A Seamless and Autonomous Mode Transfer Method of Grid-Connected Inverter with Critical Load, 2019 IEEE ECCE, Busan, Busan, Korea (South), 2019최세완
◾ Tat-Thang Le, Hyeonju Jeong, Sunju Kim, and Sewan Choi, Analysis, Design and Implementation of a Bidirectional Three-Phase Push-Pull Converter for Wide Voltage Range Application, 2019 IEEE ECCE, Busan, Busan, Korea (South), 2019최세완
◾ Nur Banu Sagpazar, Woosik Cho, Kyuyeong Kim, Sewan Choi, Three-level Resonant Switched Capacitor Boost Converter, 2019 IEEE ECCE, Busan, Busan, Korea (South), 2019최세완
◾ Adhistira M. Naradhip1 , Sangjin Kim , Sewan Choi , Jin-hwan Jung , Jung-hong Joo , Dong-sup Ahn , Youn-sik Lee, In-young Yeo, A Compact 700kHz 1.8kW GaN-based Transistor Low Voltage High Current DC-DC Converter for xEV using Planar Matrix Transformer, 2019 IEEE ECCE, Busan, Busan, Korea (South), 2019최세완
◾ Jaehoon Kim, Sunju Kim, Nur Banu Sagpazar, and Sewan Choi, A New ZVS Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converter with Low Boost Inductance, 2019 IEEE ECCE, Busan, Busan, Korea (South), 2019최세완
◾ Adhistira M. Naradhipa, Suhan Kang, Sewan Choi, An Interleaved Single-Stage Bridgeless CCM AC-DC Converter with Wide Output Voltage Range, 2019 IEEE ECCE, Busan, Busan, Korea (South), 2019최세완
◾ Adhistira Madhyasta Naradhipa, Suhan Kang, Byeongwoo Kim, Sewan Choi, A New Single-Stage Bridgeless Boost Half-Bridge AC/DC Converter with Semi-Active-Rectifier, 2019 IEEE APEC, Anaheim, Anaheim, CA, USA, 2019최세완
◾ 김병우, 김강산, 김규영, 이동한, 최세완, A New Soft-switched Converter with Low-voltage Rated Switch and wide voltage range for 800V/14V LDC, 2018 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 중앙대학교 100주년 기념관, 2018최세완
◾ 아드히스티라 나라드히파, 강수한, 하이 뜨란, 사흐파자르 눌 바누, 최세완, A Current Sensor-less Bridgeless CCM Single-Stage PFC Converter with Semi-Active Rectifier, 2018 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 중앙대학교 100주년 기념관, 2018최세완
◾ 정호영, 조우식, 박성열, 정현주, 최세완, 임승률, Development of Single-Phase Transformer-less SiC PCS for Wind Power Generation System with Wide Input Voltage Range, 2018 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 중앙대학교 100주년 기념관, 2018최세완
◾ 신양진, 김형진, 유기범, 최세완, 오정배, 전석, 홍석용, 양대기, Development of Multi-input PCS using SiC for Renewable energy, 2018 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 중앙대학교 100주년 기념관, 2018최세완
◾ Adhis, 김상진, 최세완, 양대기, 홍석용, Design of 700kHz 1.8kW GaN-based Isolated DC-DC Converter for xEV using Planar Matrix Transformer, 2018 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 중앙대학교 100주년 기념관, 2018최세완
◾ 김강산, 김병우, 조우식, 아디히스티라, 최세완, 허동영, 김수홍, 조경래, Development of ISOP active-clamp forward converter for 3.2kW DC-DC Converter of EV application, 2018 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 중앙대학교 100주년 기념관, 2018최세완
◾ 김재훈, 김상진, 김선주, 최세완, 신현덕, Bi-directional DC-DC converter with wide input voltage range and fast response for High Step-Up Applications, 2018 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 중앙대학교 100주년 기념관, 2018최세완
◾ Ali Tausif, Sewan Choi, Single-stage Differential Current-fed Isolated AC-DC Converter for Electrolytic Capacitor-less OBC with DC Charging, 2018 IEEE International Power Electronics and Application Conference and Exposition (PEAC), Shenzhen, China, 2018최세완
◾ Hamza Belkamel, Kim Hyungjin, Kim Beywongwoo, Yangjin Shin, Sewan Choi, Bi-Directional Single-Stage Interleaved Totem-Pole AC-DC Converter with High Frequency Isolation for On-Board EV Charger, 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Portland, USA, 2018최세완
◾ 함자 벨카멜, 김상진, 김병우, 신양진, 최세완, New Single-stage Interleaved Totem-pole AC-DC Converter for Bidirectional On-board Charger, 2018 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 웰리힐리파크(강원도 횡성), 2018최세완
◾ 신양진, 박성열, 강수한, 최세완, 조수연, 정호창, 박준성, 신외경, 김덕진, Thyristor winding changeover circuit for high efficiency operation of 80kW Electric Vehicle drive system, 2018 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 웰리힐리파크(강원도 횡성), 2018최세완
◾ 알리 타우시프, 김형진, 김재훈, 눌 바누 사흐파자르, 최세완, Differential type Single-stage Isolated AC-DC Converter with AC Power Decoupling for EV Battery Charger, 2018 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 웰리힐리파크(강원도 횡성), 2018최세완
◾ 하이 뜨란, 김선주, 아드스티라, 정현주, 최세완, New Active Snubber Cells for High Step-up Interleaved DC-DC Converters, 2018 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 웰리힐리파크(강원도 횡성), 2018최세완
◾ 김병우, 김강산, 조우식, 아디스티라, 김규영, 최세완, A New Soft-switched Half-bridge Converter with Low-voltage Rated Switch for 800V Battery EV LDC, 2018 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 웰리힐리파크(강원도 횡성), 2018최세완
◾ 박성열, 권민호, 신양진, 정호영, 강수한, 최세완, A Seamless and Autonomous Mode Transfer Method of Bidirectional Grid Connected Inverter in Microgrid, 2018 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 웰리힐리파크(강원도 횡성), 2018최세완
◾ Adhistira M. Naradhipa, Byeongwoo Kim, Kangsan Kim, Woosik Cho, Sewan Choi, Dongyoung Huh, Soohong Kim, Kyungrae Cho, Modeling and Control of ISOP Active-Clamp-Forward Converter for xEV Low Voltage DC/DC Converter, 2018 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 웰리힐리파크(강원도 횡성), 2018최세완
◾ Hai N. Tran, Adhistira M. Naradhipa, Sunju Kim, Ali Tausif, Sewan Choi, A Fully Soft-Switched PWM DC-DC Converter Using An Active-Snubber-Cell, 2018 International Power Electronics Conference (2018 IPEC), Niigata, Japan, 2018최세완
◾ Byeongwoo Kim, Kangsan Kim, Sewan Choi, A 800V/14V Soft-switched Converter with Low-Voltage Rating of Switch for xEV applications, 2018 International Power Electronics Conference(2018 IPEC), Niigata, Japan, 2018최세완
◾ Byeongwoo Kim, Hyojun Kim, Sewan Choi, Three-Phase On-board Charger with Three Modules of Single-stage Interleaved Soft-switching AC-DC Converter, 2018 APEC San Antonio, San antonio, Texas, USA, 2018최세완
◾ 조우식, 한병길, 정현주, 최세완, 양대기, 김민국, 오성진, Development of Ultra-capacitor Charger with Wide Voltage Range using Hybrid SiC, 2017 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 건국대학교(서울캠퍼스), 2017최세완
◾ 김강산, 김병우, 최세완, A Soft-switched Converter with Low-Voltage Rating of Switch for the 800V/14V LDC of EV, 2017 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 건국대학교(서울캠퍼스), 2017최세완
◾ 하이 뜨란, 아디스티라, 김선주, 김재훈, 최세완, A Non-isolated Soft-Switched Boost Converter Using New Active-Snubber Cell, 2017 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 건국대학교(서울캠퍼스), 2017최세완
◾ Hyeonju Jeong, Minho Kwon, Sewan Choi, A High Gain Non-Isolated Soft-Switching Bidirectional DC-DC Converter with PPS Control, 2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Duke Energy Convention Center, Cincinnatti, OH, USA, 2017최세완
◾ 한병길, 정현주, 김선주, 최세완, 48V-380V Non-isolated High Step-up Soft-Switching DC-DC Converter Using Voltage Multiplier Cells, 2017 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 한화리조트/경주, 2017최세완
◾ 박성열, 신양진, 최세완, 조수연, Thyristor winding changeover circuit for high efficiency operation of AC motor drive system for Electric Vehicle, 2017 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 리솜스파캐슬(충남 예산), 2017최세완
◾ 김병우, 조우식, 최세완, Three-phase 22kW Single-stage AC-DC Converter for On-board Battery Charger, Power Electronics Annual Conference, 환화리조트/경주, 2017최세완
◾ 정점교, 김병우, 함자벨카멜, 최세완, A Single-Stage Interleaved On-board charger without 120Hz Pulsating Current, 2017 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 한화리조트/경주, 2017최세완
◾ 김재훈, 김연우, 김선주, 최세완, Current-fed Three-Phase Three Switches ZVS Push-pull Converter for Fuel Cell Application, 2017 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 한화리조트/경주, 2017최세완
◾ 김상진, 권민호, 김효준, 최세완, 황동옥, 이동주, 백석민, Operation and Control Strategy of a New Hybrid ESS-UPS system, 2017 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 한화리조트/경주, 2017최세완
◾ Sungyoul Park, Minho Kwon, Sewan Choi, A New Anti-islanding Method for Indirect Current Control of Grid Connected Inverter, 2017 IEEE 3rd International Future Energy Electronics Conference and ECCE Asia, The Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, Taiwan, 2017최세완
◾ Byeongwoo Kim, Minjae Kim, Sewan Choi, A Reduced Component Count Single-stage Electrolytic Capacitor-less Battery Charger with Sinusoidal Charging, 2017 IEEE 3rd International Future Energy Electronics Conference and ECCE Asia, The Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, Taiwan, 2017최세완
◾ Yos Prabowo, Minho Kwon, Sungyoul Park, Sewan Choi, Improved Indirect Current Control for Utility Interactive Inverter System with Critical Load, The 3rd IEEE Conference on Power Engineering and Renewable Energy 2016 (ICPERE 2016), Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel, Yogyakarta, 2016최세완
◾ 정범교, 김병우, 최세완, 김민국, 오성진, Battery Charger with Induction Current of the GIS Enclosure, 2016 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 한국교통대학교(의왕캠퍼스) 행정동, 2016최세완
◾ 정현주, 권민호, 한병길, 최세완, 48V-400V A Non-isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter using PPS Control, 2016 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 한국교통대학교(의왕캠퍼스) 행정동, 2016최세완
◾ 김병우, 정범교, 최세완, A Single-stage Electrolytic Capacitor-less Interleaved Totem-pole Soft-switching AC-DC Converter with EV Charger, 2016 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 한국교통대학교(의왕캠퍼스) 행정동, 2016최세완
◾ 노신영, 김민재, 정범교, 최세완, New Symmetrical Bi-directional Resonant Converter with Wide Voltage Range, 2015 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 리솜스파캐슬(충남 예산), 2016최세완
◾ 김민국, 최세완, Selective Switching Method to Improve Performance of Cooling Effect for Power Converter, 2015 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 리솜스파캐슬(충남 예산), 2016최세완
◾ 김민재, 김연우, 요스 프라보우오, 최세완, Development of 50kW High Efficiency Modular Fast Charger for Both EV and NEV, 2016 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 대명리조트/변산(전북 부안), 2016최세완
◾ 정현주, 권민호, 이재연, 최세완, Development of Non-isolated High Gain Bi-directional DC-DC Converter for Residential ESS, 2016 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 대명리조트/변산(전북 부안), 2016최세완
◾ 권민호, 최세완, Control Method of An Electrolytic-Capacitor-less Bi-directional EV Charger for V2G-V2H, 2016 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 대명리조트/변산(전북 부안), 2016최세완
◾ 정현주, 권민호, 최세완, PPS Control Method of High Gain Soft-Switching Bidirectional Converter, 2016 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 대명리조트/변산(전북 부안), 2016최세완
◾ 권민호, 정현주, 최세완, Low Frequency Ripple Cancellation Method of DC-DC Converters using Cascade Compensation for Renewable Energy Sources, 2016 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 대명리조트/변산(전북 부안), 2016최세완
◾ 김민재, 김병우, 정범교, 최세완, A Single-stage Interleaved Soft-switching On-board Charger with Low Frequency-less Transformer, 2016 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 대명리조트/변산(전북 부안), 2016최세완
◾ 김병우, 최세완, A Single-stage High Frequency Isolation Soft-switching AC-DC Converter for EV charger, 2016 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 대명리조트/변산(전북 부안), 2016최세완
◾ 박성열, 권민호, 강수한, 최세완, Reactive Power P&O Anti-islanding Method of ESS with Critical Load, 2016 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 대명리조트/변산(전북 부안), 2016최세완
◾ 김연우, 한병길, 김민재, 최세완, 양대기, 김민국, 오성진, Development of 25kW Bi-directional Converter using SiC MOSFET for DC Nano-grid, 2016 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 대명리조트/변산(전북 부안), 2016최세완
◾ 김연우, 김민재, 최세완, Development of 10kW 3-Level DC-DC Converter for Modular Fast Charger for both EV and NEV, 2016 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 대명리조트/변산(전북 부안), 2016최세완
◾ Jaeyeon Lee, Minjae Kim, Hyeonju Jeong, Sewan Choi, Single Switch ZCS Resonant Converter with High Step-up Ratio, 2016 IEEE 8th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference(IPEMC-ECCE Asia), Hefei, Chaina, 2016최세완
◾ Byeongwoo Kim, Minjae Kim, Sewan Choi, Single-stage Electrolytic Capacitor-less AC-DC Converter with High frequency isolation for EV Charger, 2016 IEEE 8th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC-ECCE Asia), Hefei, Chaina, 2016최세완
◾ Minjae Kim, Shinyoung Noh, Sewan. Choi, New Symmetrical Bidirectional L3C Resonant DC-DC Converter with Wide Voltage Range, 2016 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), California, USA, 2016최세완
◾ 김상진, 권민호, 최세완, 황동옥, 이동주, 백석민, Controller design for Hybrid ESS using dual core DSP TMS320F28377D, 2015 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 다원시스(경기도 안산시), 2015최세완
◾ 박성열, 권민호, 최세완, Anti-islanding Method by Reactive Power Variation of Hybrid ESS with Critical Load, 2015 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 다원시스(경기도 안산시), 2015최세완
◾ 노신영, 김민재, 이재연, 최세완, New Symmetrical Resonant Converter for Bi-directional Battery Charger, 2015 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 다원시스(경기도 안산시), 2015최세완
◾ 김병우, 김민재, 박준성, 최세완, Single-stage Bridgeless Electrolytic Capacitor-less AC-DC Converter for EV Charger, 2015 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 다원시스(경기도 안산시), 2015최세완
◾ Jose Juan Sandoval, Harish Krishnamoorthy, Prasad Enjeti, Sewan Choi, High Power Density Adjustable Speed Drive Topology with Medium Frequency Transformer Isolation, Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Montreal Convention Center, 2015최세완
◾ Minho Kwon, Sehyung Jung, Sewan Choi, A High Efficiency Bi-directional EV Charger with Seamless Mode Transfer for V2G and V2H Application, Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Montreal Convention Center, Canada, 2015최세완
◾ 박성열, 정현주, 권민호, 정세형, 최세완, 송옹규, Development of 10kW High Efficiency PCS for Residential ESS, 2015 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 리솜스파캐슬(충남 예산), 2015최세완
◾ 권민호, 양석현, 김효준, 최세완, 황동옥, 이동주, 백석민, A PCS Control Strategy for Hybrid ESS with Function of Emergency Power Supply, 2015 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 리솜스파캐슬(충남 예산), 2015최세완
◾ 권민호, 정세형, 최세완, A High Efficiency Electrolytic-Capacitor-less Bi-directional EV Charger for V2G and V2H Application, 2015 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 리솜스파캐슬(충남 예산), 2015최세완
◾ 정현주, 최세완, Optimized PWM switching method of DC-DC converter with the bipolar voltages for Redox Flow Battery, 2015 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 리솜스파캐슬(충남 예산), 2015최세완
◾ 김병우, 박준성, 김민재, 최세완, 6.6kW High Power Density Bridgeless Single-stage On-board Charger, 2015 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 리솜스파캐슬(충남 예산), 2015최세완
◾ 김민재, 노신영, 김연우, 최세완, New Parallel Loaded Resonant Converter with Wide Voltage Range, 2015 Power Electronics Annual Conference, 리솜스파캐슬(충남 예산), 2015최세완
◾ 요스 프라보우오, 김민재, 김상진, 최세완, 비엔나 정류기를 이용한 전기자동차용 급속충전기 개발, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2015최세완
◾ 김민국, 최세완, 전력 변환기의 방열 성능 극대화를 위한 선택적 스위칭 기법, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2015최세완
◾ 이재연, 김민재, 최세완, 고승압비를 갖는 단일스위치 ZCS 병렬 공진컨버터, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2015최세완
◾ Minjae Kim, Shinyoung Noh, Sewan Choi, New Parallel Loaded Resonant Converter with Wide Input and Output Voltage Range, Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE-ECCE Asia), 2015 9th International Conference on, 63 Convention center, Seoul, Korea, 2015최세완
◾ 노신영1, 권민호1, 최세완1, 이동주2, 백석민2, 연인철3, 하이브리드 ESS를 위한 양방향 인터리브드 DC-DC 컨버터의 최적 필터 설계기법, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2014최세완
◾ 양석현1, 권민호1, 박성열1, 최세완1, 이동주2, 백석민2, 연인철3, 필터 임피던스와 공진주파수를 고려한 계통연계형 인버터의 LCL 필터 최적 설계기법, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2014최세완
◾ 홍석용, 최세완, 넓은 입력전압 및 부하 변동에 적합한 새로운 대전력용 L3C 공진형 컨버터, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2014최세완
◾ 김민재, 노신영, 최세완, 연료전지 응용을 위한 3개의 스위치를 갖는 3상 소프트스위칭 DC-DC 컨버터, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2014최세완
◾ 김주하, 정헌수, 박준성, 최세완, 넓은 충전전압 범위를 갖는 50kW급 고효율 급속충전기 개발, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2014최세완
◾ 홍석용, 정세형, 김민재, 최세완, V2G-V2H 기능을 갖는 3.3kW급 전기 자동차용 양방향 충전기, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2014최세완
◾ 권민호, 정현주, 최세완, 48V-400V 고효율 비절연 양방향 소프트스위칭 DC-DC 컨버터, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2014최세완
◾ 정아진, 김주하, 요스 프라보우, 최세완, 에너지저장시스템을 위한 무순단 절체 기능을 갖는 계통연계형 인버터의 병렬운전, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2014최세완
◾ 정세형, 김주하, 정아진, 양석현, 박성열, 최세완, 강병관*, 이충우*, 유안노*, 김희중*, 계통연계형 MW급 ESS의 모델링 및 제어알고리즘 개발, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2014최세완
◾ 권민호, 김주하, 최세완, 양방향 3레벨 인버터를 위한 반송파 기반 PWM 방식의 중성점 제어 기법, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2014최세완
◾ 이재연, 문동옥, 최세완, 스위치 개수가 적은 고승압 인터리브드 병렬 공진 컨버터, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2014최세완
◾ 양석현, 홍석용, 김민재, 최세완, 조준석*, 비상전원_기능을_갖는_3kW급_하이브리드_ESS_개발, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2014최세완
◾ 문동옥, 박준성, 최세완, 출력필터의 크기를 줄인 전기자동차용 양방향 인터리브드 전류원 공진형 컨버터, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2014최세완
◾ Minjae Kim, Daeki Yang, Sewan Choi, A Fully Soft-Switched Multiphase DC-DC Converter with Reduced Switch Count for High Power Application, IEEE International Power Electronics Conference, International Conference Center Hiroshima, 2014최세완
◾ Dongok Moon, Junsung Park, Sewan Choi, New Interleaved Current Fed Resonant Converter with Significantly Reduced High Current Output Filter for EV and HEV application, IEEE International Power Electronics Conference, International Conference Center, Hiroshima, 2014최세완
◾ Minjae Kim, Daeki Yang, Sewan Choi, A Fully Soft-Switched Single Switch Isolated DC-DC Converter, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, Fort Worth Convention Center, Texas, 2014최세완
◾ Minho Kwon, Junsung Park, Sewan Choi, A Bidirectional Three-Phase Push-Pull Converter With Dual Asymmetrical PWM Method, IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, 2013최세완
◾ 정헌수, 박준성, 최세완, 넓은 충전 전압범위를 갖는 전기자동차용 급속충전기를 위한 3레벨 DC-DC 컨버터의 하이브리드 스위칭 기법, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2013최세완
◾ 박준성, 권민호, 문동옥, 최세완, 김창성*, 이근홍*, 송민섭*, 손영동*, 고효율‧고전력밀도를 갖는 ISG 시스템용 양방향 DC-DC 컨버터, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2013최세완
◾ 김민국, 정상혁, 정세형, 최세완, 김광섭*, 병렬 연결된 계통연계형 인버터의 LCL필터 공진현상 분석 및 액티브댐핑, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2013최세완
◾ 김민재, 정아진, 양대기, 홍석용, 최세완, 조준석*, 3kW급 스마트 홈에너지 서버 시스템 개발, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2013최세완
◾ 김민재, 양대기, 홍석용, 최세완, 고승압 응용을 위한 절연형 단일스위치 ZCS-ZVS 컨버터, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2013최세완
◾ 김민재, 양대기, 최세완, 스위치 개수가 적은 고승압 인터리빙 준공진형 컨버터, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2013최세완
◾ 김성환, 김민재, 최세완, 단일단 단일스위치 CCM-ZCS PFC, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2013최세완
◾ 문동옥, 이상혁, 최세완, 강압 응용에 적합한 새로운 전류원 공진형 컨버터, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2013최세완
◾ 정아진, 정세형, 최세완, 단상 계통연계 인버터의 LCL필터 최적 설계기법, 전력전자학술대회, 학회장, 2013최세완
◾ 김주하, 정상혁, 양석현, 최세완, 김광섭*, 계통연계형 3-레벨 NPC 인버터의 병렬운전 제어기법, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2013최세완
◾ 박준성, 권민호, 최세완, 에너지 저장장치를 위한 양방향 DC-DC컨버터의 끊김없는 입·출력 절환 기법, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2013최세완
◾ 정헌수, 박준성, 최세완, 전기자동차용 급속충전기를 위한 넓은 충전전압 범위를 갖는 공진 컨버터 비교 및 설계기법, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2013최세완
◾ 이상혁, 문동옥, 박준성, 최세완, 전기자동차용 LDC를 위한 대전류측 필터를 제거한 인터리빙 공진형컨버터, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 학회장, 2013최세완
◾ Junsung Park, Minho Kwon, Sewan Choi, Design and Control of a Bi-directional Resonant DC-DC Converter for Automotive Engine/Battery Hybrid Power Generators, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Crown Convention Centre, Melbourne, 2013최세완
◾ Minho Kwon, Junsung Park, Sewan Choi, High Gain Soft-switching Bidirectional DC-DC Converters for Eco-friendly Vehicles, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, Long Beach, CA, 2013최세완
◾ 정아진, 정상혁, 김주하, 최세완, 에너지 저장 시스템을 위한 간접전류제어 기반 양방향 인버터의 단독운전방지 기법, 2012년도 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 경북대학교 IT대학 2호관/3호관, 2012최세완
◾ 김민재, 정헌수, 최세완, 병렬 공진탱크를 이용한 비절연 고승압 컨버터, 2012년도 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 경북대학교 IT대학 2호관/3호관, 2012최세완
◾ 박준성, 정병길, 권민호, 최세완, 친환경자동차용 5kW급 양방향 저전압 직류 변환장치 개발, 2012년도 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 경북대학교 IT대학 2호관/3호관, 2012최세완
◾ 권민호, 정헌수, 최세완, 고승압 소프트스위칭 양방향 컨버터의 충방전 모드전환 기법, 2012년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 덕유산리조트(전북 무주), 2012최세완
◾ 박준성, 김민재, 최세완, 고정주파수에서 동작하는 SRC를 이용한 차량탑재형 충전기 최적설계, 2012년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 덕유산리조트(전북 무주), 2012최세완
◾ 한국인, 박준성, 이상혁, 최세완, 양방향 3상 능동클램프 푸시풀 컨버터의 최적 PWM 스위칭기법, 2012년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 덕유산리조트(전북 무주), 2012최세완
◾ 김형진, 정아진, 김주하, 최세완, 계통전압 불평형시 Fault Ride Through와 전압보상 기능을 갖는 계통연계 인버터의 제어기법, 2012년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 덕유산리조트(전북 무주), 2012최세완
◾ 정상혁, 정아진, 김주하, 최세완, 김경환, 태양광 발전을 위한 NPC 인버터의 병렬운전, 2012년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 덕유산리조트(전북 무주), 2012최세완
◾ 박찬수, 권민호, 최세완, 고승압 응용에 적합한 단일스위치 절연형 공진 컨버터, 2012년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문, 덕유산리조트(전북 무주), 2012최세완
◾ 정상혁, 최세완, 김경환, 계통연계형 NPC 인버터를 위한 LCL필터 최적 설계기법, 2012년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 덕유산리조트(전북 무주), 2012최세완
◾ 이상혁, 최세완, 배전압 셀을 이용한 비절연형 소프트스위칭 고승압 컨버터 최적 설계, 2012년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 덕유산리조트(전북 무주), 2012최세완
◾ 박준성, 한국인, 정병길, 권민호, 최세완, 12V, 1000A 절연형 양방향 DC-DC 컨버터 개발, 2012년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 덕유산리조트(전북 무주), 2012최세완
◾ 김민재, 정헌수, 최세완, MIC용 비절연 고승압 컨버터, 2012년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 덕유산리조트(전북 무주), 2012최세완
◾ 오형민, 정상혁, 정아진, 최세완, 백업전원 기능을 갖는 BESS를 위한 양방향 인버터의 제어 기법, 2012년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 덕유산리조트(전북 무주), 2012최세완
◾ 박찬수, 최세완, 나재형, 이진희, 이정민, 연료전지 응용을 위한 낮은 턴오프 전류를 갖는 준공진형 부스트 하프브리지 컨버터, 2012년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 덕유산리조트(전북 무주), 2012최세완
◾ Junsung Park, Minjae Kim, Sewan Choi, Fixed frequency Series loaded Resonant Converter based Battery Charger which is insensitive to Resonant Component Tolerances, IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Harbin, China, 2012최세완
◾ Chansoo Park, Sewan Choi, Jeong-min Lee, Quasi-Resonant Boost-Half-Bridge Converter with Reduced Turn-off Switching Losses for 16V Fuel Cell Application, IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Harbin, China, 2012최세완
◾ 간접전류제어 기반의 계통연계형 인버터를 위한 단독운전방지 기법, 2011년도 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2011최세완
◾ 가정용 ESS를 위한 고효율 공진형 양방향 DC-DC 컨버터 개발, 2011년도 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2011최세완
◾ 고정주파수에서 동작하는 SRC를 이용한 3.3kW급 고효율 차량 탑재형 충전기 개발, 2011년도 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2011최세완
◾ 계통연계 및 독립운전을 하는 계통연계 인버터의 LCL필터 최적 설계기법, 2011년도 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2011최세완
◾ 하이브리드 자동차 HDC를 위한 고승압 소프트스위칭 양방향 컨버터, 2011년도 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2011최세완
◾ Controller Design and Implementation of Indirect Current Control Based Utility-Interactive Inverter System, 2011 IEEE ECCE , Phoenix, 2011최세완
◾ Fault Ride Through와 독립부하전압 보상 기능을 갖는 계통연계 인버터의 최적설계, 전력전자 하계 학술대회 논문집, 2011최세완
◾ 1.2MW급 연료전지 EBOP를 위한 Droop control 방식의 인버터 병렬운전 제어기법, 전력전자 하계 학술대회 논문집, 2011최세완
◾ Fault Ride Through와 독립부하전압 보상 기능을 갖는 계통연계 인버터의 제어기법, 전력전자 하계 학술대회 논문집, 2011최세완
◾ PWM+위상 제어방식의 양방향 3상 능동클램프 푸시풀 컨버터, 전력전자 하계 학술대회 논문집, 2011최세완
◾ 높은 승강압비를 갖는 양방향 소프트스위칭 컨버터를 위한 최적 PWM 스위칭 기법, 전력전자 하계 학술대회, 2011최세완
◾ 전부하영역에서 영전류 턴온 및 턴오프 스위칭을 하는 직렬공진 컨버터를 이용한 차량탑재형 충전기, 전력전자 하계 학술대회 논문집, 2011최세완
◾ 넓은 ZVS 영역과 적은 소자 수를 갖는 단일단 차량탑재형충전기, 전력전자 하계 학술대회 논문집, 2011최세완
◾ 낮은 턴오프 전류를 갖는 비절연 고승압 ZVZCS DC-DC 컨버터, 전력전자 하계 학술대회 논문집, 2011최세완
◾ 15V, 1kW 연료전지 스택을 위한 부하추종형 전력변환장치, 전력전자 하계 학술대회 논문, 2011최세완
◾ 효율적인 CC-CV 충전을 위한 차량탑재형 충전기용 공진형 컨버터의 최적설계 기법, 전력전자 하계 학술대회 논문집, 2011최세완
◾ 중요부하의 전압품질을 고려한 계통 연계형 PCS의 제어 기법, 전력전자 하계 학술대회 논문집, 2011최세완
◾ 독립부하의 전압품질을 고려한 계통연계 인버터의 LCL필터 최적설계, 전력전자 하계 학술대회 논문집, 2011최세완
◾ 끊김없는 모드 전환을 위한 계통연계형 3-레벨 NPC 인버터의 제어기법, 전력전자 하계 학술대회 논문집, 2011최세완
◾ 배전압 셀을 이용한 비절연형 고승압 컨버터, 전력전자 하계 학술대회 논문집, 2011최세완
◾ High Step-Up Interleaved Boost Converters using Voltage Multiplier Cells, 2011 IEEE ECCE , Jeju, 2011최세완
◾ Indirect Current Control for Seamless Transfer of Three-Phase Utility Interactive Inverters, 2011 IEEE APEC , Fort Worth, 2011최세완
◾ 비선형 부하 적용 시 간접전류제어 기법의 성능 개선, 2010년도 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2010최세완
◾ 독립부하의 전압품질을 고려한 계통연계형 PCS의 LCL필터 설계기법, 2010년도 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2010최세완
◾ 고승압 인터리빙 ZVT 컨버터, 2010년도 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2010최세완
◾ 계통 연계형 PCS의 Seamless Transfer를 위한 3상 간접전류제어기 설계, 2010년도 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2010최세완
◾ 전기자동차용 On-Board 충전기를 위한 ZVZCS 하프브리지 컨버터, 2010년도 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2010최세완
◾ An Inductorless Asymmetrical ZVS Full Bridge Converter for Step-up Applications with Wide Input Voltage Range, 2010 IEEE ECCE , Atlanta, 2010최세완
◾ 친환경 자동차에서 낮은 구동 배터리 전압과 높은 DC 링크 전압을 위한 고승압 양방향 컨버터, 2010년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 2010최세완
◾ 고승압 인터리빙 CCM-ZVS 컨버터, 2010년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 2010최세완
◾ 배전압 셀을 이용한 비절연형 소프트스위칭 고승압 컨버터, 2010년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 2010최세완
◾ 3상 고주파 변압기 최적 설계에 의한 대전력 ZVS푸쉬풀 컨버터, 2010년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 2010최세완
◾ 3상 능동클램프 하이브리드 정류형 DC-DC 컨버터, 2010년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 2010최세완
◾ Grid Code의 Fault Ride Through와 독립부하전압 보상을 위한 간접전류제어 계통연계 인버터, 2010년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 2010최세완
◾ 계통연계형 연료전지 PCS의 Seamless Transfer를 위한 개선된 3상 간접전류제어 기법, 2010년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 2010최세완
◾ 전기자동차와 플러그인 하이브리드 자동차를 위한 넓은 ZVS 범위를 갖는 단일단 차량탑재형 충전기, 2010년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 2010최세완
◾ 직류승압 방식의 발전용 연료전지 PCS 개발, 2010년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 2010최세완
◾ 15V출력의 1kW급 가정용 연료전지를 위한 고승압 DC-DC 컨버터, 2010년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 2010최세완
◾ 친환경 차량용 보조배터리 충 방전을 위한 양방향 3상 능동클램프 푸시풀 컨버터, 2010년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 2010최세완
◾ 병렬 연결된 계통연계형 연료전지 PCS의 Seamless Transfer를 위한 간접전류제어 기법, 2010년도 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 2010최세완
◾ Soft-switched Interleaved Boost Converters for High Step-up and High Power Applications, 2010 IEEE ECCE , Sapporo, 2010최세완
◾ A Three-Phase Current-Fed Push-Pull DC-DC Converter with Active Clamp for Fuel Cell Applications, 2010 IEEE APEC , Palm Springs, 2010최세완
◾ 연료전지 응용을 위한 고승압 대전력 다상 부스트 하프브리지 컨버터, 전력전자학회 하계학술대회, 2009최세완
◾ 계통연계형 인버터의 계통임피던스 추정알고리즘을 이용한 Active Damping 기법, 전력전자학회 하계학술대회, 2009최세완
◾ 계통이상에 강인한 간접전류제어 계통연계 인버터의 전압 보상기법, 전력전자학회 하계학술대회, 2009최세완
◾ 연료전지 응용을 위한 3상 능동 클램프 전류원 푸쉬풀 컨버터, 전력전자학회 하계학술대회, 2009최세완
◾ 계통임피던스 추정을 통한 계통연계 인버터의 제어기 이득 조정 기법, 전력전자학회 하계학술대회, 2009최세완
◾ 비대칭 PWM 방식의 절연형 양방향 하프브리지 컨버터 분석 및 설계, 전력전자학회 하계학술대회, 2009최세완
◾ 고 배전압을 위한 비절연형 DCDC 컨버터, 전력전자학회 하계학술대회, 2009최세완
◾ 하이브리드 자동차 응용을 위한 고승압 양방향 DC-DC 컨버터, 전력전자학회 하계학술대회, 2009최세완
◾ Goertzel 알고리즘을 이용한 무효전력변동 단독운전 검출기법의 성능 개선, 전력전자학회 하계학술대회, 2009최세완
◾ 연료전지 계통연계형 PCS의 Islanding에 강인한 PLL 기법, 전력전자학회 하계학술대회, 2009최세완
◾ 고승압 대전력 확장에 적합한 비절연 소프트 스위칭 DC-DC 컨버터, 전력전자학회 하계학술대회, 2009최세완
◾ 연료전지 자동차 응용을 위한 새로운 비대칭 PWM 방식의 양방향 하프브리지 컨버터, 전력전자학회 추계학술대회, 2008최세완
◾ 새로운 소프트 스위칭 방식의 인덕터 없는 풀브리지 DC-DC 컨버터, 전력전자학회 추계학술대회, 2008최세완
◾ 고승압비를 갖는 비절연 ZVZCS 부스트 컨버터, 전력전자학회 추계학술대회, 2008최세완
◾ 계통 연계형 연료전지 PCS의 Seamless Transfer를 위한 3상 간접전류제어 기법, 전력전자학회 추계학술대회, 2008최세완
◾ 고승압비와 넓은 ZVS 영역을 갖는 비절연 DC-DC 컨버터, 전력전자학회 하계학술대회, 2008최세완
◾ 고승압비를 갖는 인터리빙 양방향 DC-DC 컨버터, 전력전자학회 하계학술대회, 2008최세완
◾ 연료 전지 PCS를 위한 클램프 회로가 없는 3상 ZVS DC-DC 컨버터, 전력전자학회 하계학술대회, 2008최세완
◾ 대용량 계통연계형 연료전지 PCS의 LCL필터 설계와 공진억제, 전력전자학회 하계학술대회, 2008최세완
◾ 300kW급 발전용 연료전지 PCS의 부피저감을 위한 DC-DC 컨버터 최적 설계, 전력전자학회 하계학술대회, 2008최세완
◾ 연료전지 자동차 전장전원용 고효율 양방향 3상 DC-DC 컨버터, 전력전자학회 하계학술대회, 2008최세완
◾ 연료전지 응용을 위한 고효율 3상 ZVZCS DC-DC 컨버터, 전력전자학회 하계학술대회, 2008최세완
◾ A Three-Phase ZVZCS DC-DC Converter for Fuel Cell Applications, IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference, 2008최세완
◾ Experimental Verification of Floationg-Output Interleaved-Input DC-DC High-Gain Transformer-less Converter Topologies, 2008 IEEE PESC , Rhodes, 2008최세완
◾ 높은 승․강압비를 갖는 인터리빙 양방향 DC/DC 컨버터, 전력전자학회 춘계학술대회, 2008최세완
◾ An Improved Current-fed ZVS Isolated Boost Converter for Fuel Cell Applications, 2008 iEEE APEC , Austin, 2008최세완
◾ 연료전지 응용을 위한 능동 클램프 방식의 전압원 3상 DC-DC 컨버터, 전력전자학회 추계학술대회, 2007최세완
◾ 영 전압 스위칭 기법을 이용한 무변압기형 고승압 부스트 컨버터, 전력잔자학회 추계학술대회, 2007최세완
◾ 하이브리드 자동차 고전압 배터리 충, 방전을 위한 49kW급 고효율 양방향 DC/DC 컨버터 설계, 전력전자학회 추계학술대회, 2007최세완
◾ 연료전지 응용을 위한 클램프회로 없는 고효율 절연혈 부스트 컨버터, 전력전자학회 하계학술대회, 2007최세완
◾ 연료전지 자동차의 저전압 배터리 충․방전을 위한 양방향 DC-DC 컨버터, 전력전자학회 하계학술대회, 2007최세완
◾ Indirect current control algorithm for utility interactive inverters for seamless transfer , 2006 IEEE PESC , Jeju, 2006최세완
◾ 효율이 개선된 새로운 유도가열용 전원장치, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2006최세완
◾ 비선형 부하를 고려한 계통연계형 인버터의 독립운전 제어알고리즘, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2006최세완
◾ 연료전지응용을 위한 높은 승압비와 낮은 전류리플을 갖는 무변압기형 부스트컨버터, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2006최세완
◾ A low cost utility interactive inverter for residential power generation, 2006 IEEE PESC , Jeju, 2006최세완
◾ Analysis of DC-DC converter stability in fuel cell powered portable electronic systems, 2006 IEEE PESC , Jeju, 2006최세완
◾ A new unity power factor telecom rectifier system by an active waveshaping technique, 2005 IEEE IAS , Hong kong, 2005최세완
◾ Seamless Transfer를 위한 계통연계형 인버터의 간접전류 제어 기법, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2005최세완
◾ 연료전지 자동차에서 연료이용율과 연료전지 내구성 향상을 위한 양방향 DC-DC 컨버터의 제어기법, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2005최세완
◾ 가정용 연료전지 발전 시스템을 위한 계통 연계형 인버터, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2005최세완
◾ 하이브리드 전기자동차(HEV)의 12V 보조배터리 충전용 DC-DC 컨버터의 최적설계, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2004최세완
◾ 퍼지 제어기를 이용한 엘리베이터 구동용 영구 자석형 동기전동기의 속도제어, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2004최세완
◾ 파형 정형 기법에 의한 새로운 고 역률 통신용 정류기 시스템, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2004최세완
◾ 중 대용량 STATCOM을 위한 새로운 60-스텝 인버터 시스템, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2004최세완
◾ 하이브리드 에너지 시스템에서 양방향 DC-DC 컨버터에 의한 축전지 제어기법, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2004최세완
◾ PWM 스위칭 기법에 의한 유도전동기 구동 시스템의 전도노이즈 저감, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2004최세완
◾ A single phase inverter-zigzag transformer hybrid filter to suppress neutral harmonic currents in three-phase four-wire systems, 2004 IEEE PESC , Aachen , 2004최세완
◾ 이중접속방식의 멀티스텝 인버터를 이용한 대용량 STATCOM의 개발, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2003최세완
◾ 새로운 능동형 고역률 다이오드 정류기 시스템, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2003최세완
◾ 효율개선을 위한 Push-Pull Converter의 동기정류에 관한 연구, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2003최세완
◾ 영구자석형 동기전동기의 저속도 제어 특성 개선에 관한연구, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2003최세완
◾ 대용량 모터드라이브 적용을 위한 새로운 이중접속방식의 멀티스텝 인버터, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2003최세완
◾ 고체산화물형 연료전지를 위한 10KW급 독립전력변환장치의 개발, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2003최세완
◾ 3상 4선식 전력계통에서 중성선 전류 제거를 위한 50kVA급 저가형 능동전력필터, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2003최세완
◾ 절전형 컨덴서 용접자동화 기술개발, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2002최세완
◾ Chain컨버터에 의한 중 대용량급 인버터의 출력파형개선, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2002최세완
◾ Sigma-Delta 변조기법을 이용한 Boost Converter의 전도노이즈 저감, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2002최세완
◾ RPWM 기법을 이용한 능동클램프 ZVS 플라이백 컨버터 전도노이즈 저감, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2002최세완
◾ 새로운 영상전류 주입법에 의한 다이오드 정류기의 고조파 저감, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2002최세완
◾ 3상4선식 배전계통에서 중성선전류제거를 위한 새로운 능동전력필터, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2002최세완
◾ Performance_Improvement_of_an_Active_Neutral Harmonic Suppressor System Under Unbalanced Load Conditions, 2001 IEEE ICPE , Seoul, 2001최세완
◾ 불평형 전원전압을 보상하는 3상3선식 직렬형 능동전력필터에 관한 연구, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2001최세완
◾ 계통연계형 대체에너지 발전시스템을 위한 고펄스 SCR 인버터, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2001최세완
◾ 3상4선식 배전계통에서 중성선 전류 고조파의 제거를 위한 능동전력필터의 새로운 제어기술, 대한전기학회하계 학술대회, 2001최세완
◾ New pulse multiplication technique based on 6-pulse thyristor converters for high power applications, 2001 IEEE APEC , Anaheim, 2001최세완
◾ 새로운 18펄스 전압형 정류회로, 전력전자학회추계 학술대회, 2000최세완
◾ Multi-pulse converters for high voltage and high power applications, 2000 IEEE ECCE , Beijing, 2000최세완
◾ 단상 인버터의 동작에 의한 이중접속 3상 전압원 인버터의 출력파형 개선, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2000최세완
◾ 3상 3선식 시스템의 고조파 저감을 위한 직렬형 능동전력필터에 관한 연구, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2000최세완
◾ 3상 3선식 전력계통의 고조파 저감을 위한 새로운 직렬형 능동필터 시스템, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2000최세완
◾ 간단한 보조회로 추가에 의한 6-펄스 싸이리스터 컨버터의 다펄스화, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 2000최세완
◾ RPWM 기법을 이용한 3상 승압형 컨버터 전도노이즈 저감, 전력전자학회추계 학술대회, 1999최세완
◾ 새로운 24-펄스 HVDC 컨버터, 전력전자학회추계 학술대회, 1999최세완
◾ PWM 인버터-유도전동기 구동시스템의 전도노이즈 예측에 관한 연구, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 1999최세완
◾ 직렬접속형 다이오드 정류기 시스템의 전류주입에 의한 고조파저감, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 1999최세완
◾ SVC를 위한 새로운 이중접속방식의 멀티스텝인버터, 전력전자학회하계 학술대회, 1999최세완
◾ A new 24-pulse diode rectifier for high voltage and high power applications , 1999 iEEE PESC , Charleston, 1999최세완
◾ Harmonic Reduction of Parallel-Connected Thyristor Rectifiers with an Active Interphase Reactor, 1998 IEEE ICPE Kuala , Lumpur, 1998최세완
◾ New 24-pulse diode rectifier systems for utility interface of high power AC motor drives, 1996 IEEE APEC , San Jose, 1996최세완
◾ A new reduced kVA multi-pulse diode rectifier front end for high power AC motor drives draws near sinusoidal input currents, 1995 IEEE ICPE , Seoul, 1995최세완
◾ A new active interphase reactor for 12-pulse rectifiers provides clean power utility interface, 1995 IEEE IAS , Orlando, 1995최세완
◾ Polyphase transformer arrangements with reduced kVA capacities for harmonic current reduction in rectifier type utility interface, 1995 IEEE PESC , Atlanta, 1995최세완
◾ Autotransformer configurations to enhance utility power quality of high power AC DC rectifier systems, 1995 IEEE PAC , Dallas, 1995최세완
◾ A New Direct Phase Converter to Power Three Phase Induction Motor from a Single Phase Supply, 1994 IEEE PESC , Taipel, 1994최세완
◾ An approach to realize higher power PWM AC controller, 1993 IEEE APEC , San Diego, 1993최세완
"An isolated Single Switch Resonant converter and An isolated Interleaving Single Switch Resonant converter using the same", Korea Patent No. 101377124, Mar. 17, 2014
"Non-isolated high step-up resonant converter", Korea Patent No. 101377121, Mar. 17, 2014
"Battery Charger Using Series Resonant Converter", Korea Patent No. 101286509, Jul. 10, 2013
"Boost DC-DC Converter", Korea Patent No. 101240098, Feb. 27, 2013
"Utility Interactive Inverter of Three Phase-indirect Current Control Type and Control Method", Korea Patent No. 101178393, Aug. 24, 2012
"Power converter system", Korea Patent No. 101133138, Mar. 28, 2012
"Extended Non-isolated Soft-Switched Multiphase DC-DC Converter for Voltage-Gain Ratio and Power-Gain Ratio", Korea Patent No. 101064764, Sep. 6, 2011
"Boost DC-DC converter", Korea Patent No. 100983673, Sep. 15, 2010
"A Non-isolated Soft Switched DC-DC Converter with High Voltage Gain", Korea Patent No. 101033933, Jul. 8, 2010
"Bi-Directional Non-isolated DC-DC Converter", Korea Patent No. 100997377, Nov. 24, 2010
"Bi-Directional Tri-State PWM DC to DC Converter for Fuel Cell Vehicle", Korea Patent No. 100911541, Aug. 3, 2009
"Switching Control System for DC-DC Converting Apparatus", Korea Patent No. 100836373, Jun. 2, 2008
"Utility Interactive Inverter of Indirect Current Control Type and Control Method Thereof", Korea Patent No. 100732220, Jun. 19, 2007
"Multi-Pulse HVDC System Using Auxiliary Circuit", US Patent No. 7061743 B2, Jun. 13, 2006
"Multi-Pulse Thyristor Converting Apparatus Using an Auxiliary Circuit", US Patent No. 0398-616, Sep. 3, 2003
"Transmitting system of multi pulse", Korea Patent No. 1003464170000, Jul. 15, 2002
◾ 멀티 포트 충전기, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2022최세완
◾ 저압 및 고압 일체용 충전 장치, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2021최세완
◾ 소프트 스위칭이 가능한 다중 모드 컨버터, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2021최세완
◾ 삼상 및 단상 겸용 충전기, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2021최세완
◾ 벅 부스트 컨버터, 특허 등록, 미국, 2019최세완
◾ 소프트 스위칭을 위한 액티브 스너버 셀 및 이를 포함하는 부스트 컨버터(소프트 스위칭을 위한 액티브 스너버 셀), 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2018최세완
◾ 벅 부스트 컨버터의 제어 장치, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2018최세완
◾ 벅 부스트 컨버터(SIC MOSFET를 이용한 DC Nano-grid 용 25Kw급 양방향 컨버터), 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2018최세완
◾ 계통연계형 인버터의 동작 모드 전환 방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2018최세완
◾ 직병렬회로 변경식 다단 변속 시스템 및 다단 변속 방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2017최세완
◾ GIS 외함 유도 전류를 이용한 배터리 충전기 및 그의 제어방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2017최세완
◾ V2G, V2H 기능을 갖는 전기자동차용 양방향 충전기, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2017최세완
◾ 배터리용 직류변환장치 및 그의 제어방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2015최세완
◾ 절연형 단일스위치 직류-직류 컨버터, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2015최세완
◾ 고승압 소프트스위칭 직류-직류 컨버터, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2015최세완
◾ 공진형 DC-DC 컨버터 및 이를 이용, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2014최세완
◾ 양방향 컨버터 제어 시스템, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2014최세완
◾ 단일 스위치 절연형 공진 컨버터 ?, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2014최세완
◾ 비절연 고승압 공진형 컨버터, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2014최세완
◾ 직렬 공진 컨버터를 이용한 배터리 충전기, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2013최세완
◾ 승압형 DC-DC 컨버터, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2013최세완
◾ 3상 간접전류제어 방식의 계통연계, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2012최세완
◾ 고승압비를 갖는 비절연 소프트 스위칭 DC-DC 컨버터, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2011최세완
◾ 3상 간접전류제어 방식의 계통연계형 인버터의 제어방법, 특허 출원, 대한민국, 2010최세완
◾ 양방향 비절연 DC-DC컨버터 및 그 제어방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2010최세완
◾ 승압형 DC-DC 컨버터, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2010최세완
◾ 양방향 DC-DC컨버터 및 그의 제어 방법, 특허 출원, 대한민국, 2009최세완
◾ 고승압비를 갖는 비절연 소프트 스위칭 DC DC 컨버터, 특허 출원, 대한민국, 2008최세완
◾ 소프트 스위칭 기능을 갖는 DC DC 컨버터, 특허 출원, 대한민국, 2008최세완
◾ 능동형 고역률 다이오드 정류기 시스템, 특허 출원, 대한민국, 2003최세완
◾ 중선선 전류 제거를 위한 저감된 정격의 능동 전력 필터장치, 특허 출원, 대한민국, 2002최세완
"Development of High Efficiency Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for BESS", Samsung SDI, Oct. 2013 – March 2014
"Development of Control Algorithm for MW ESS PCS", LS Industrial Systems, Oct. 2013 – Feb. 2014
"Development of High Efficiency Resonant PFC converter for Air-conditioners", LG Electronics, July 2013 – Oct. 2013
"Development of PFC for Variable DC link ", LG Electronics, Feb. 2013 – Nov. 2013
"Development of 50kW High Efficiency Fast Charger for EV", Signet Systems, Feb. 2013 – June 2014
"Development of Bidirectional Battery Charger with V2G and V2H for EV", Signet Systems, Feb. 2013 – June 2014
"Development of Bidirectional DC-DC converter for ISG", Samsung Electro-Mechanics, March 2013 – Oct. 2013
"Development of High Efficiency, High Reliability Smart Home Energy Server with Emergency Backup Function", Small and Medium Business Administration, June 2012 – May 2014
"Development of 5kW Bidirectional DC-DC converter for Military Vehicles", ADT, March 2012 – Sep. 2012
"Development of High Efficiency DC-DC converter for 16V Fuel Cell", Hyosung Heavy Industries, May 2011 – Dec. 2011
"Development of 12kW High Efficiency Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Battery Test System", Samsung SDI, May 2011 – Nov. 2011
"Development of High Efficiency, High Frequency Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Residential ESS", LG Electronics, May 2011 – Oct. 2011
"Development of High Efficiency High Power Density DC-DC Converter for Eco-friendly Vehicle", Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, May 2010 – April 2013
"Development of Control Algorithm for High Voltage 3-level NPC Inverter", KACO New Energy, April 2010 – March 2013
"Development of High Efficiency, Low Cost DC-DC Converter for 1kW Fuel Cell PCS", GS Fuel Cell, June 2009 – May 2011
"Development of Topology and Control Algorithm of Utility-interactive PCS for Mega-Watt MCFC Power Generation System", Doosan Heavy Industries, Dec. 2008 – Sep. 2013
"Development of High Performance Utility-interactive Power Converter and Control Technologies for Fuel Cells", Ministry of Knowledge and Economy, Nov. 2008 – Oct. 2011
"Development of Topology and Control Algorithm of Utility-interactive PCS for 300kW MCFC Power Generation System", Doosan Heavy Industries, Sep. 2007 – Aug. 2010
"Development of Bidirectional DC to DC Converter for Auxiliary Power Supply of Fuel Cell Vehicles ", Hyundai Motor Co., June 2007 – April 2008
"Development of Topology and Control Algorithm of High Voltage DC-DC Converter for Hybrid Electric Vehicles ", ADT, Dec. 2006 – Oct. 2009
"Analysis of DC to DC Converter Characteristics and Design Specification for Auxiliary Power Supply of Fuel Cell Vehicles ", Hyundai Motor Co., April 2006 – Dec. 2006
"Analysis and Development of LDC Power Circuit Topologies for Hybrid Electric Vehicles Analysis of Auxiliary Power Supply for Hybrid Electric Vehicles", Hyundai Motor Co., Dec. 2005 - May 2006
"Development of High Efficiency Inverter Systems for Residential Fuel Cell Power Generation", Dongyang Energy & Power Co., Sep. 2005 - Aug. 2007
"Development of DC-DC Converters for Fuel Cell Powered Notebook", Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Jan. 2005 - Dec. 2006
"Development of Utility-Interactive Inverters for Small Distributed Generation", CM Partner Co., July 2005 - June 2007
"Research on Grid-Tie Inverter System for New and Renewable Energy", Korea Electric Power Research Institute, April 2004 – Mar. 2006
"Analysis of Auxiliary Power Supply for Hybrid Electric Vehicles", Hyundai Motor Co., Jan. 2004 - Oct. 2004
"Development of Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Fuel Cell-Battery Hybrid Power Generation System", Electrical Engineering and Science Research Institute, Dec. 2003 - Nov. 2004
"Analysis of Auxiliary Power Supply for Hybrid Electric Vehicles", Hyundai Motor Co., Jan. 2004 - Oct. 2004
"Development of Power Conversion Unit for 1KW SOFC Power Generation System",
Korea Electric Power Research Institute, July 2003 - June 2005
"Development of a DSP Based DC-DC Converter for 3KW PEM Fuel Cell System", Samsung Electronics Co., July 2003 - Feb. 2004
"Development of Inverter Topologies for Large-Scale STATCOM", Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology, May 2002 - Mar. 2003
"Evaluation of a High Current Power Supply", Ministry of Science and Technology, April 2002 - Mar. 2003
"Development of Charge/Discharge Converter and Interface Controller for Hybrid Electric Vehicle", Korea Institute of Energy Research, Jan. 2002 - Dec. 2002
"Input-Output Performance Improvement of Power Conversion Apparatus via Harmonics and Noise Reduction", Korea Science and Engineering Foundation, Sep. 2001 - Aug. 2004
"Development of a Low-Cost Active Filter for Elimination of Zero-Sequence Harmonic Currents in Three-Phase Four-Wire Power Distribution System", Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, Sep. 2001 - Aug. 2003
"Rectifier Design with Autotransformer for Input Power Factor Improvement ", Korea Electro-technology Research Institute, May 2001 - Feb. 2002
"Development of Power Supplies for Cyclotron", Ministry of Science and Technology, April 2001 - Mar. 2002
"Development of Digital Controller for High Efficiency UPS System", Yusung Precision Co., May 2001 - Feb. 2002
"Development of 24/36 Pulse Thyristor Converter for HVDC", Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Sep. 2000 - Dec. 2000
"Development of Static Harmonic Filter for UPS", Ehwa Technologies Information Co., May 2000 - April 2001
"Development of Double-Connected Multi-Step Inverter for Medium Scale Applications", Korea Research Foundation, Dec. 1999 - Nov. 2000
"Optimization of the Utility Interface with Power Electronic Systems", Electrical Engineering and Science Research Institute, Oct. 1998 - Oct. 2001
◾ 800V급 전기자동차용 고효율, 고전력밀도 DC-DC 컨버터 개발, 한국연구재단, 2020.01.~2022.12.최세완
◾ 전기자동차용 400V IDCM용 SiC기반 3.0KW APM개발, 엘지전자 (주), 2019.09.~2020.08.최세완
◾ 광역 밴드갭 전력반도체 적용 100kW급 고효율 고전력 밀도 태양광 인버터 개발, 한국에너지기술평가원, 2019.05.~2020.12.최세완
◾ 모듈형 15kW급 양방향 고주파절연 DC-DC 컨버터 개발, (주)피닉슨컨트롤스, 2019.04.~2020.09.최세완
◾ SIC적용 45kW 3상 AC-DC 컨버터 개발, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.03.최세완
◾ 태양광 발전용 고효율 절연형 스트링 Power Optimizer 개발, (주)다쓰테크, 2019.01.~2020.01.최세완
◾ GaN 소자 기반 고주파 고전력밀도 LDC 개발, (주)데스틴파워, 2018.09.~2019.06.최세완
◾ 25kW급 급속충전기 모듈용 양방향 절연형 DC-DC 컨버터 개발, (주)데스틴파워, 2018.08.~2019.08.최세완
◾ CMV 저감 계통 연계 인버터 제어기술 개발, 엘지전자 (주), 2018.04.~2019.07.최세완
◾ 배터리 Pack용 충방전기 개발, (주)엔시스, 2018.03.~2018.12.최세완
◾ 9kW급 고승압 DC-DC 컨버터 개발, (주)에니텍시스, 2018.02.~2018.11.최세완
◾ 풍력발전기용 단상 PCS 개발, (주)에니텍시스, 2018.01.~2018.12.최세완
◾ 중장비용 태양광 충전 시스템 개발, 주식회사 경신, 2017.11.~2018.05.최세완
◾ 스택 적층수 저감이 가능한 승압용 고전압 부스터 개발, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2017.11.~2021.07.최세완
◾ 3.2kW급 차량용 DC/DC Converter 개발, 엘지이노텍 (주), 2017.10.~2018.08.최세완
◾ PPS 제어기법을 적용한 48V-400V 비절연 양방향 DC-DC컨버터, 산학협력단, 2017.09.~2018.02.최세완
◾ 신재생에너지용 다중입력 모듈형 PCS 개발, 주식회사 그리다에너지, 2017.09.~2018.07.최세완
◾ ICT 융복합 하이브리드 마이크로그리드 기술 고급트랙, 한국에너지기술평가원, 2017.07.~2020.08.최세완
◾ 전기자동차용 차세대 고압 초고속충전기 개발, 한국연구재단, 2017.03.~2020.02.최세완
◾ RFG용 7kW급 Universal 입력형 고밀도 AC-DC 컨버터 개발, (주)뉴파워프라즈마, 2016.11.~2017.11.최세완
◾ 전자기적 다단 변속 기능을 가진 80kW급 전기구동시스템 개발, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2016.03.~2018.12.최세완
◾ RFG용 전력변환기 및 디지털제어기 개발, (주)뉴파워프라즈마, 2015.12.~2016.12.최세완
◾ Vehicle to Grid가 구현되는 전기자동차 탑재용 3.3kW급 양방향 OBC 제작 도급, (주)아이티엔지니어링, 2015.12.~2016.04.최세완
◾ 비상전원 기능을 갖는 수요관리용 하이브리드 에너지저장시스템 개발, 한국에너지기술평가원, 2015.06.~2017.05.최세완
◾ 고승압 비절연 양방향 컨버터 기술 개발, LG전자 주식회사, 2015.03.~2016.03.최세완
◾ 10KVA ESS용 PCS 개발, 한솔테크닉스(주), 2014.10.~2015.03.최세완
◾ 분산전력변환 충전기시스템 개발, 월드탑텍(주), 2014.06.~2015.12.최세완
◾ 에너지 저장 장치 기능을 갖는 친환경 자동차용 통합 배터리 충전기 개발, 한국연구재단, 2014.05.~2017.04.최세완
◾ 이종전기차 스마트충전기시스템 및 하이브리드 일체형 전력모듈 개발, (주)시그넷시스템, 2014.03.~2014.04.최세완
◾ 2차전지 충전알고리즘 분석 및 알고리즘개발,충전성능 시험 및 분석, 중소기업청, 2014.03.~2016.03.최세완
◾ 고효율/고승압비 양방향 DC-DC 컨버터, 삼성에스디아이(주), 2013.10.~2014.03.최세완
◾ IT계열 국제 프로그램(학과) 개설 연구, 산학협력단, 2013.10.~2014.02.최세완
◾ 계통연계형 MW급 ESS용 PCS의 알고리즘 개발 및 검증, 엘에스산전(주), 2013.10.~2014.02.최세완
◾ 12V 1000A 졀연형 양방향 공진형 DC-DC 컨버터 개발, 산학협력단, 2013.09.~2014.02.최세완
◾ 에너지 저장장치를 위한 양방향 DC-DC컨버터의 끊김없는 입출력 절환기법, 산학협력단, 2013.09.~2014.08.최세완
◾ 고성능 카인버터용 디지털제어기 개발, 월드탑텍(주), 2013.07.~2014.01.최세완
◾ 축소형 추진시스템 Test-bed 인터페이스 통합 용역, 한국철도기술연구원., 2013.06.~2013.12.최세완
◾ Power System용 양방향 DC-DC 컨버터 개발, 삼성전기(주), 2013.03.~2013.10.최세완
◾ DC전압 가변형 PFC 기술 개발(2kW급), LG전자 주식회사, 2013.03.~2013.12.최세완
◾ 2단계 공학교육혁신센터지원사업, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2013.03.~2014.02.최세완
◾ V2G/V2H 기능을 갖는 전기자동차 양방향 충전기 개발, (주)시그넷시스템, 2013.02.~2014.06.최세완
◾ 전기자동차용 고효율 급속충전기 토폴로지 및 제어기술, (주)시그넷시스템, 2013.02.~2014.06.최세완
◾ 에어컨용 4kW급 고효율 공진형 PFC 컨버터 개발, LG전자 주식회사, 2013.01.~2014.01.최세완
◾ 축소형 추진시스템 Test-bed용 양방향 D/C 컨버터 제작 용역, 지식경제부, 2012.09.~2012.12.최세완
◾ 분산전원 연계·운용 기술 기초트랙, 한국에너지기술평가원, 2012.07.~2015.01.최세완
◾ 비상전원 기능을 갖는 고효율,고신뢰성의 스마트 홈에너지 서버개발, 중소기업청, 2012.06.~2014.05.최세완
◾ 계통연계형 인버터의 LCL필터 최적 설계기법, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.최세완
◾ 배터리 충전기용 절연형 양방향 고효율 DC-DC 컨버터, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2014.02.최세완
◾ 5kw 양방향 DC/DC 컨버터 개발, (주)에이디티, 2012.03.~2012.09.최세완
◾ 급속충전기용 최적 DC/DC 컨버터 개발, 엘에스산전(주), 2012.03.~2012.06.최세완
◾ 100kW급 급속충전기 파워스택 설계, 엘에스산전(주), 2011.07.~2011.11.최세완
◾ 친환경자동차를 위한 고효율·고밀도 직류변환기 개발, 한국연구재단, 2011.05.~2013.04.최세완
◾ 고효율 고주파 절연 양방향 DC-DC 컨버터 기술 개발, 엘지전자(주), 2011.05.~2011.10.최세완
◾ 16V 저전압 연료전지용 고효율 DC-DC 컨버터 기술개발에, (주)효성, 2011.05.~2011.12.최세완
◾ 12KW 양방향 고효율 DC/DC컨버터 개발, 삼성에스디아이(주), 2011.05.~2011.11.최세완
◾ 대학 IT전공역량강화사업(NEXT), 정보통신산업진흥원, 2011.01.~2011.12.최세완
◾ MW급 MCFC발전시스템을 위한 고효율 고성능 계통연계 PCS핵심기술개발, 두산중공업(주), 2010.10.~2011.09.최세완
◾ 1kW급 연료전지 전력 변환장치를 위한 고효율 저가격 DC-DC 컨버터 개발, (주)지필로스, 2010.06.~2011.05.최세완
◾ 친환경자동차를 위한 고효율·고밀도 직류변화기 개발, 한국연구재단, 2010.05.~2011.04.최세완
◾ 온라인 전기버스용 급.집전 시스템 기술 개발, 한국과학기술원(KAIST), 2010.05.~2011.04.최세완
◾ 대학 IT전공역량강화사업, 정보통신산업진흥원, 2010.01.~2010.12.최세완
◾ A 300kHz, 63kW/L ZVT DC-DC Converter for 800-V Feul Cell Electric Vehicles, 2023 IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Second Prize Paper Award, IEEE Power Electronics Society, 2023최세완
◾ 2021년도 연구분야 우수교원 표창, 우수교원 표창, 서울과학기술대학교, 2022최세완
◾ DC충전이 가능한 파워 디커플링 통합형 1단 OBC, KIPE 학술대회 우수논문상, KIPE, 2022최세완
◾ A 11 kW 5.58 kW/L Electrolytic Capacitor-less EV Charger With Single- and Three-Phase Compatibility, 논문상, THE KOREAN INSTITUTE OF POWER ELECTRONICS, 2021최세완
◾ 25kW, 300kHz High step-up soft-switching converter for fuel cell vehicles, KIPE 학술대회 우수논문상, The Korean Institute of Power Electronics, 2021최세완
◾ 넓은 전압범위에서 ZVS가 되는 단상/3상 겸용 무전해커패시터 EV 충전기, KIPE 학술대회 우수논문상, KIPE, 2020최세완
◾ 유로 효율 개선을 위한 3레벨 Flying Capacitor Boost Converter의 하이브리드 스위칭 기법, KIPE 학술대회 태양광논문상, KIPE, 2020최세완
◾ 2018년도 연구분야 우수교원, 2018년도 연구분야 우수교원 표창, 서울과학기술대학교 산학협력단, 2020최세완
◾ 전기자동차용 3kW급 LDC를 위한 통합형 플라나 변압기 설계, KIPE 학술대회 우수논문상, KIPE, 2020최세완
◾ DC Common 방식의 60kW급, 200kW급 Hybrid PCS, 기술상, 전력전자학회, 2019최세완
◾ Start-up Control Method of PV String Power Optimizer in the PV Grid Connected System, 태양광논문상, THE KOREAN INSTITUTE OF POWER ELECTRONICS, 2019최세완
◾ Development of High Efficiency PV String Power Optimizer using Dual-Bridge LLC Resonant Converter, 태양광논문상, THE KOREAN INSTITUTE OF POWER ELECTRONICS, 2019최세완
◾ A New Soft-switching Three-level Flying Capacitor Converter, 우수논문상, THE KOREAN INSTITUTE OF POWER ELECTRONICS, 2019최세완
◾ Bi-directional DC-DC converter with wide input voltage range and fast response for High Step-Up Applications, 논문상, THE KOREAN INSTITUTE OF POWER ELECTRONICS, 2018최세완
◾ A Seamless and Autonomous Mode Transfer Method of Bidirectional Grid Connected Inverter in Microgrid, 논문상, THE KOREAN INSTITUTE OF POWER ELECTRONICS, 2018최세완
◾ Development of 80kW Bi-directional Hybrid-SiC Boost-Buck Converter using Droop Control in DC Nano-grid, 소춘상, THE KOREAN INSTITUTE OF POWER ELECTRONICS, 2018최세완
◾ A Non-isolated Soft-Switched Boost Converter Using New Active-Snubber Cell, 우수논문상, THE KOREAN INSTITUTE OF POWER ELECTRONICS, 2017최세완
◾ Current-fed Three-Phase Three Switches ZVS Push-pull Converter for Fuel Cell Application, 우수논문상, THE KOREAN INSTITUTE OF POWER ELECTRONICS, 2017최세완
◾ 48V-400V A Non-isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter using PPS Control, 우수논문상, THE KOREAN INSTITUTE OF POWER ELECTRONICS, 2016최세완
◾ Improved Indirect Current Control for Utility Interactive Inverter System with Critical Load, The 1st Best Paper Award, IEEE, 2016최세완
◾ A 3.3kW Bi-directional EV Charger with V2G and V2H function, 논문상, THE KOREAN INSTITUTE OF POWER ELECTRONICS, 2015최세완
◾ 12V, 1000A 절연형 양방향 공진형 DC-DC 컨버터 개발, 소춘상, THE KOREAN INSTITUTE OF POWER ELECTRONICS, 2014최세완
IEEE Senior Member, 2004 - Present
Executive Board Member, KIPE, 2004 - Present
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2006 - Present
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2010 - Present
Planning Committee, Photovoltaic Division, KETEP, 2013 - 2014
Planning Committee, Fuel Cell Division, KETEP, 2011 – 2012
Planning Committee, Future Vehicle Division, KETEP, 2006 - 2007
Advisory Committee, Hyundai Motor Co., 2004 - 2008

B. Awards & Honors
Registered at Marquis Who’s Who in the world, 2009
2012 Award from Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
KIPE Best Paper Awards in 2002, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2010
2009 KOFST Best Paper Award
2003 KIPE Outstanding Technical Achievement Award
2002 KIPE Outstanding Academic Achievement Award
Directed Seoul Tech student teams which received awards at International competition sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy and IEEE
1st place, 2003 Future Energy Challenge (Topic: Fuel cell inverter)
2nd place, 2005 Future Energy Challenge (Topic: Grid-connected inverter)
2nd place, 2011 Future Energy Challenge (Topic: Battery charger)
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