- 2014.3 ~ 2018.8, Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, Hanyang University
- 2006.2 ~ 2014.2, B.S. in Industrial Engineering, Hanyang University
- 2018 ~ 2020, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The University of British Columbia (Canada)
- 2018, Organizing Committee, ACM TVX
- 2016, Visiting Researcher, University of Sussex (UK)
- 2013, Visiting Researcher, Arts et Métiers ParisTech (France)
- 2011 ~ 2018, Research Assistant, Hanyang University
◾ Seo, K., Fels, S., Kang, M., Jung, C., & Ryu, H. (2020). Goldilocks conditions for workplace gamification: How narrative persuasion helps manufacturing workers create self-directed behaviors. Human-Computer Interaction.
◾ Seo, K., Ryu, H., & Kim, J. (2020). Can serious games assess decision-making biases? Comparing gaming performance, questionnaires, and interviews. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 36(1), 44.
◾ Seo, K., Lee, A., Kim, J., Ryu, H., & Choi, H. (2018). Measuring the kinematics of daily living movements with motion capture systems in virtual reality. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (134), e57284.
◾ Ryu, H., Song, H., Seo, K., & Kim, J. (2018). Servicizing Solutions for Manufacturing Firms: Categorizing Service Ideas from Product-Service Integrated Examples. The Design Journal, 21(2), 267-302.
◾ Seo, K., Jun, D. W., Kim, J. K., & Ryu, H. (2017). Multi-Sensory Integration Impairment in Patients with Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 1-7.
◾ Seo, K., Kim, J. K., Oh, D. H., Ryu, H., & Choi, H. (2017). Virtual daily living test to screen for mild cognitive impairment using kinematic movement analysis. PloS one, 12(7), e0181883.
◾ Seo, K., Ryu, H., Song, H., Bouchard, C., & Kim, J. (2016). Mixing Up Social Traits for Co-Design Practices. 디자인학연구, 29(1).
◾ Early Detection of Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment Through EEG-SSVEP-Based Machine Learning Model, IEEE ACCESS, vol.12 pp.172101~172114, 2024서경원
◾ Exploring the Relationship between Behavioral and Neurological Impairments Due to Mild Cognitive Impairment: Correlation Study between Virtual Kiosk Test and EEG-SSVEP, SENSORS, vol.24 No.11, 2024서경원
◾ The Impact of AI-Based Course-Recommender System on Students' Course-Selection Decision-Making Process, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, vol.14 No.9, 2024서경원
◾ Integrating Biomarkers From Virtual Reality and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Early Detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment Using a Multimodal Learning Approach: Validation Study, JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH, vol.26, 2024
서경원◾ Augmented teachers: K–12 teachers’ needs for artificial intelligence’s complementary role in personalized learning, Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 2024
서경원◾ Improving counseling effectiveness with virtual counselors through nonverbal compassion involving eye contact, facial mimicry, and head-nodding, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, vol.14 No.1, 2024
서경원◾ VR-EP-EEG-MRI digital biomarkers: Multi-modal machine learning model for detecting mild cognitive impairment, JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES, vol.455, 2023
서경원◾ Digital Marker for Early Screening of Mild Cognitive Impairment Through Hand and Eye Movement Analysis in Virtual Reality Using Machine Learning: First Validation Study, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2023
서경원◾ Resting-state electroencephalographic characteristics related to mild cognitive impairments, FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY, vol.14, 2023
서경원◾ Supporting students' self-regulated learning in online learning using artificial intelligence applications, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN HIGHER EDUCATION, vol.20 No.1, 2023
서경원◾ 기계 학습에 기반한 가상현실의 손 움직임을 통한 경도인지장애 조기 선별: 가상현실 기반의 경도인지장애 조기 선별, Journal of Cognitive Intervention and Digital Health, 2022
서경원◾ Technostress causes cognitive overload in high-stress people: Eye tracking analysis in a virtual kiosk test, INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT, vol.59 No.6, 2022
서경원◾ The illusion of having a large virtual body biases action-specific perception in patients with mild cognitive impairment, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, vol.11 No.1, 2021
서경원◾ Goldilocks conditions for workplace gamification: how narrative persuasion helps manufacturing workers create self-directed behaviors, HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION, vol.36 No.5-6 pp.473~510, 2021
서경원◾ The impact of artificial intelligence on learner-instructor interaction in online learning, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN HIGHER EDUCATION, vol.18 No.1, 2021
서경원◾ Active learning with online video: The impact of learning context on engagement, COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, vol.165, 2021
서경원◾ Can serious games assess decision-making biases? Comparing gaming performance, questionnaires, and interviews, European Journal of Psychological Assessment, vol.36 No.1 pp.44~55, 2018
서경원◾ Measuring the Kinematics of Daily Living Movements with Motion Capture Systems in Virtual Reality, JOVE-JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS, No.134, 2018
서경원◾ Servicizing Solutions for Manufacturing Firms: Categorizing Service Ideas from Product-Service Integrated Examples, The Design Journal, vol.21 No.2 pp.267~302, 2018
서경원◾ Multi-Sensory Integration Impairment in Patients with Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy, Scientific Reports, vol.7 No.1 pp.1~7, 2017
서경원◾ Virtual daily living test to screen for mild cognitive impairment using kinematic movement analysis, PloS one, vol.12 No.7, 2017
서경원◾ Mixing Up Social Traits for Co-Design Practices, Archives of Design Research, vol.29 No.1 pp.99~109, 2016
◾ Seo, K., Fels, S. Yoon, D., Roll, I., Dodson, S., & Fong, M. (2020). Artificial Intelligence for Video-based Learning at Scale. In Proceedings of the Seventh (2020) ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale. ACM.
◾ Fong, M., Dodson, S., Harandi, N. M., Seo, K., Yoon, D., Roll, I., & Fels, S. (2019, June). Instructors Desire Student Activity, Literacy, and Video Quality Analytics to Improve Video-based Blended Courses. In Proceedings of the Sixth (2019) ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale (pp. 1-10).
◾ Fujita, K., Sari, E., Kim, J., Seo, K., ... & Takada, R. (2019, May). Asian CHI Symposium: Emerging HCI Research Collection. In Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-7).
◾ Wu, F., Zhou, Q., Seo, K., Kashiwaqi, T., & Fels, S. (2019, March). I Got Your Point: An Investigation of Pointing Cues in a Spherical Fish Tank Virtual Reality Display. In 2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 1237-1238). IEEE.
◾ Seo, K., & Ryu, H. (2018, April). Nothing is More Revealing than Body Movement: Measuring the Movement Kinematics in VR to Screen Dementia. In Proceedings of the Asian HCI Symposium'18 on Emerging Research Collection (pp. 21-24).
◾ Frier, W., Seo, K., & Subramanian, S. (2016, October). Hilbert Curves: A Tool for Resolution Independent Haptic Texture. In Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (pp. 211-212).
◾ Lee, H., Shin, J., Jung, C., Seo, K., & Ryu, H. B. (2016, January). On the gamification for the automotive manufacturing environment. In 36th FISITA World Automotive Congress, 2016.
◾ Lee, J., Kim, J., Seo, K., Roh, S., Jung, C., Lee, H., ... & Ryu, H. (2016). A case study in an automotive assembly line: exploring the design framework for manufacturing gamification. In Advances in Ergonomics of Manufacturing: Managing the Enterprise of the Future (pp. 305-317). Springer, Cham.
◾ Roh, S., Seo, K., Lee, J., Kim, J., Ryu, H. B., Jung, C., ... & Shin, J. (2016). Goal-based manufacturing gamification: bolt tightening work redesign in the automotive assembly line. In Advances in ergonomics of manufacturing: managing the enterprise of the future (pp. 293-304). Springer, Cham.
◾ Seo, K., Han, G., Lee, H., Ryu, H., & Kim, J. (2015, June). Design Requirements for PT-tv (Play Therapy with TV) An Observational Study on Play Therapy and TV Viewing. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video (pp. 137-142).
◾ Seo, K. (2014). Autonomy-based rehabilitation design: balancing capability and complexity. In CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 957-962).
◾ Seo, K., Kim, J., Lee, J., Jang, S., & Ryu, H. (2013). Serious games for stroke patients: attending to clinical staff’s voices. In The 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research (pp. 1-11).
◾ 서경원, & 류호경. (2013). 참여적 디자인 방법론을 사용한 의료용 기능성 게임 ‘RehabMaster’개발 사례연구. 한국 HCI 학회 학술대회, 1103-1106.
◾ 서경원, 이장선, & 류호경. (2012). Flow learning 기반 기능성 게임 설계 방법론. 한국 HCI 학회 학술대회, 691-695.
◾ Bogyeom Park, Jinseok Park, Hojin Choi, Hokyoung Ryu, Kyoungwon Seo, Advancing Mild Cognitive Impairment Detection: Integrating VR, MRI, and Neuropsychological Insights for Comprehensive Diagnosis, Advancing Mild Cognitive Impairment Detection: Integrating VR, MRI, and Neuropsychological Insights for Comprehensive Diagnosis, OIST, 2024서경원
◾ Se Young Kim, Bogyeom Park, Dohyun Kim, Hojin Choi, Jinseok Park, Hokyoung Ryu, Kyoungwon Seo, Early Screening of Mild Cognitive Impairment using Multimodal VR-EP-EEG-MRI (VEEM) Biomarkers via Machine Learning, 2024 International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC), Taipei, Taiwan, 2024서경원
◾ Hyobin Park, Kyoungwon Seo, Counterfactual vs. Prefactual: Two narrative AIs improve causability for health data by different mechanisms, PROCEEDINGS OF HCI KOREA 2023 학술대회 발표 논문집, 강원도 하이원리조트, 2023서경원
◾ Se Young Kim, Jin-seok Park, Hojin Choi, Hokyoung Ryu, Kyoungwon Seo, Virtual kiosk test for early screening of mild cognitive impairment through eye tracking data analysis, PROCEEDINGS OF HCI KOREA 2023 학술대회 발표 논문집, 강원도 하이원리조트, 2023서경원
◾ Minyoung Park, Kyoungwon Seo, Passive vs. Active: Which behavior is better for predicting at-risk students in online learning?, PROCEEDINGS OF HCI KOREA 2023 학술대회 발표 논문집, 강원도 하이원리조트, 2023서경원
◾ Dohyun Kim, Jin-seok Park, Hojin Choi, Hokyoung Ryu, Kyoungwon Seo, Deep learning model for early screening of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment using EEG-SSVEP, PROCEEDINGS OF HCI KOREA 2023 학술대회 발표 논문집, 강원도 하이원리조트, 2023서경원
◾ Ranjitha Jaddigadde Srinivasa, Samuel Dodson, Kyoungwon Seo, Dongwook Yoon, Sidney Fels, NoteLink: A Point-and-Shoot Linking Interface between Students' Handwritten Notebooks and Instructional Videos, 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 온라인, 2021서경원
◾ Kyoungwon Seo, Sidney Fels, Dongwook Yoon, Ido Roll, Samuel Dodson, Matthew Fong, Artificial Intelligence for Video-based Learning at Scale, Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale, 코로나19로 인해 온라인 개최, 2020서경원
◾ Matthew Fong, Samuel Dodson, Negar Mohaghegh Harandi, Kyoungwon Seo, Dongwook Yoon, Ido Roll, Sidney Fels, Instructors Desire Student Activity, Literacy, and Video Quality Analytics to Improve Video-based Blended Courses, Proceedings of the Sixth (2019) ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale, 시카고, 2019서경원
◾ Fan Wu, Qian Zhou, Kyoungwon Seo, Toshiro Kashiwaqi, Sidney Fels, I Got Your Point: An Investigation of Pointing Cues in a Spherical Fish Tank Virtual Reality Display, 2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 오사카, 2019서경원
◾ Kyoungwon Seo, Hokyoung Ryu, Nothing is More Revealing than Body Movement: Measuring the Movement Kinematics in VR to Screen Dementia, Proceedings of the Asian HCI Symposium'18 on Emerging Research Collection, Montreal, 2018서경원
◾ Jiyoung Lee, Jihyo Kim, Kyoungwon Seo, Seunghwan Roh, Changho Jung, Hyunwoo Lee, Jongho Shin, Gyunghyun Choi, Hokyoung Ryu, A case study in an automotive assembly line: exploring the design framework for manufacturing gamification, Advances in ergonomics of manufacturing: Managing the enterprise of the future, Orlando, 2016서경원
◾ Seunghwan Roh, Kyoungwon Seo, Jiyoung Lee, Jihyo Kim, Hokyoung Blake Ryu, ChangHo Jung, HyunWoo Lee, JongHo Shin, Goal-Based Manufacturing Gamification: Bolt Tightening Work Redesign in the Automotive Assembly Line, Advances in ergonomics of manufacturing: managing the enterprise of the future, Orlando, 2016서경원
◾ Kyoungwon Seo, Garam Han, Hyunju Lee, Hokyoung Ryu, Jieun Kim, Design Requirements for PT-tv (Play Therapy with TV): An Observational Study on Play Therapy and TV Viewing, Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video, Seoul, 2015서경원
◾ Kyoungwon Seo, Autonomy-based rehabilitation design: balancing capability and complexity, CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Toronto, 2014서경원
◾ Kyoungwon Seo, Jieun Kim, Jangsun Lee, Sungho Jang, Hokyoung Ryu, Serious Games for Stroke Patients: Attending to Clinical Staff’s Voices, The 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, Tokyo, 2013서경원