최적화이론, 딥러닝, 의료영상처리
상상관 607호
서울대학교 전기공학 학사 (2004)
서울대학교 전기컴퓨터공학 석사 (2006)
스탠퍼드대학교 전기공학 석사 (2008)
스탠퍼드대학교 통계학 석사 (2012)
스탠퍼드대학교 전기공학 박사 (2014)
주요 경력
전문연구원, 삼성전자 종합기술원 (2014.4-2017.2)
선임연구원, 한국과학기술연구원 (2017.3-2023.8)
조교수, 서울과학기술대학교 (2023.9-현재)
주요논문 및 저서
1. K Choi, SH Kim, S Kim, “Self-Supervised Learning in Projection Domain for Low-Dose Cone-Beam CT”, Medical Physics, 2023
2. K Choi, S Kim, J Lim, “Self-Supervised Inter- and Intra-Slice Correlation Learning for Low-Dose CT Image Restoration without Ground Truth", Expert Systems with Applications, 2022.
3. SJ Choi, ES Kim, K Choi, “Prediction of the histology of colorectal neoplasm in white light colonoscopic images using deep learning algorithms”, Scientic Reports, 2021.
4. K Choi, S Kim, J Lim, “StatNet: Statistical Image Restoration for Low-Dose CT using Deep Learning”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2020.
저널 논문
1. K Choi, SH Kim, S Kim, “Self-Supervised Learning in Projection Domain for Low-Dose Cone-Beam CT”, Medical Physics, 2023
2. K Choi, S Kim, J Lim, “Self-Supervised Inter- and Intra-Slice Correlation Learning for Low-Dose CT Image Restoration without Ground Truth", Expert Systems with Applications, 2022.
3. SJ Choi, ES Kim, K Choi, “Prediction of the histology of colorectal neoplasm in white light colonoscopic images using deep learning algorithms”, Scientic Reports, 2021.
4. K Choi, S Kim, J Lim, “StatNet: Statistical Image Restoration for Low-Dose CT using Deep Learning”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2020.
5. S Han, K Choi, S Yoo, “A Subband-Specic Deconvolution Model for MTF Improvement in CT”, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2017.
6. S Han, K Choi, S Yoo, J Yi, “A Distance-Driven Deconvolution Method for CT Image-Resolution Improvement”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 2016.
7. S Han, K Choi, S Yoo, “A Preliminary Study of an Image Synthesis Method to Simulate the Change in Incident X-ray Spectrum using Thickness Information”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 2016.
8. K Choi, R Li, H Nam, L Xing, “A Fourier-based Compressed Sensing Technique for Accelerated CT Image Reconstruction using First-Order Methods”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2014.
9. K Choi, L Xing, A Koong, R Li, “First Study of On-Treatment Volumetric Imaging During Respiratory Gated VMAT”, Medical Physics, 2013. (Highlighted as Editor's Pick)
10. K Choi, B Fahimian, T Li, T-S, Suh, L Xing, “Enhancement of Four-Dimensional Cone-Beam Computed Tomography by Compressed Sensing with Bregman Iteration", Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, 2013.
11. L Zhu, T Niu, K Choi, L Xing, “Total-Variation Regularization based Inverse Planning for Intensity Modulated Arc Therapy”, Technology of Cancer Research & Treatment, 2012.
12. K Choi, J Wang, L Zhu, T-S Suh, S Boyd, L Xing, “Compressed Sensing based Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Reconstruction with a First-Order Method", Medical Physics, 2010.
◾ Artificial Intelligence Model for Detection of Colorectal Cancer on Routine Abdominopelvic CT Examinations: A Training and External-Testing Study, American Journal of Roentgenology, 2025최기환
◾ Self-supervised learning for CT image denoising and reconstruction: a review, Biomedical Engineering Letters, vol.6 No.14 pp.1207~1220, 2024최기환
◾ Self-supervised denoising of projection data for low-dose cone-beam CT, Medical Physics, vol.50 No.10 pp.6319~6333, 2023최기환
1. K Choi, “A Comparative Study between Image and Projection-Domain Self-Supervised Denoising for Ultra Low-Dose CBCT”, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
(EMBC), 2022.
2. Y Kim, S Park, H Kim, SS Kim, JS Lim, S Kim, K Choi, H Seo, “A Bounding-Box Regression Model for Colorectal Tumor Detection in CT Images Via Two Contrary Networks”, Annual International Conference
of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2022.
3. K Choi, “Self-supervised Projection Denoising for Low-Dose Cone-Beam CT”, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2021.
4. J Kwon, K Choi, “Weakly Supervised Attention Map Training for Histological Localization of Colonoscopy Images”, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2021.
5. K Choi, SJ Choi, ES Kim, “Computer-Aided diagonosis for colorectal cancer using deep learning with visual explanations”, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2020.
6. K Choi, S Kim, “Statistical Image Restoration for Low-Dose CT using Convolutional Neural Networks”, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2020.
7. J Kwon, K Choi, “Trainable multi-contrast windowing for liver CT segmentation”, IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp), 2020. (Best Paper Award)
8. K Choi, M Vania, S Kim, “Semi-Supervised Learning for Low-Dose CT Image Restoration with Hierarchical Deep Generative Adversarial Network (HD-GAN)”, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2019.
9. K Choi, S Kim, J Lim “Real-time image reconstruction for low-dose CT using deep convolutional generative adversarial networks (GANs)”, SPIE Medical Imaging, 2018.
10. K Choi, J Wang, L Zhu, T Suh, S Boyd, L Xing, “Compressed Sensing with a First-Order Method for Low-Dose Cone-Beam CT Reconstruction”, International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy (ICCR), 2010. (oral presentation)
11. K Choi and S Choi, “CLPC: Cross-Layer Product Code for Video Multicast over WLAN”, MediaWiN Workshop of European Wireless, 2006. (invited paper)
◾ Seong Ji Choi, Jangho Kwon, Hoonsub So, Young Hoon Choi, Jae Min Lee, Kyong Joo Lee, Jai Hoon Yoon, Hyo Jung Kim, Hong Sik Lee, Kihwan Choi, Automated Artificial Intelligence for Predicting the Histology of Ampullary Adenomas, 2024 Korea Digestive Disease Week, 서울 그랜드 워커힐, 2024최기환
1. L Xing, J Qian, K Choi, T-S Suh, “Three- and Four-dimensional Morphological Imaging for Adaptive Radiation Therapy Planning”, chapter 2 in Adaptive Radiation Therapy, CRC Press, 2011.
2. S Choi and K Choi, “Reliable Multicast for Wireless Local Area Networks,” chapter 4 in Resource, Mobility and Security Management in Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, CRC Press, 2006.
1. Image processing apparatus and method based on deep learning and neural network learning, 11,341,375(US), 2022
2. Apparatus and method to train autonomous driving model, and autonomous driving apparatus, 10,791,979(US), 2020
3. Tomography apparatus and method for reconstructing tomography image thereof, 10,339,675(US), 2019
4. Apparatus and method for object recognition and for training object recognition model, 10,133,938(US), 2018
1. 인간지향 체어사이드 K덴탈 솔루션개발 (연구책임자), 2020-2024, 범부처의료기기연구개발사업단
2. AI기반 생체정보 분석기술 개발 (연구책임자), 2020-2022, 한국과학기술연구원
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